Directions from Japan to China.....

1. Go to Google maps.2. Go to "Get Directions."3. Type Japan as the start location..........4. Type China as the end location.5. Go to direction #43..................LOL


1. Go to Google maps.2. Go to "Get Directions."3. Type United States as the start location..........4. Type China as the end location.5. Go to direction #44..................LOL
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-07-2010, 02:08 AM
There was one from LA to Tokyo ... it told people to swim... across the ocean... LOL..
In6ub9's Avatar
Open google. Type " find chuck norris" select I'm feeling lucky.
Google programmers have fun. old but still giggle worthy .
travelling_man's Avatar
Try Japan to the United States and look at #27
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ROTFL - Japan to China #42 - Jet ski across the Pacific Ocean 782 km.


but hey if u had the bucks there's always the QE II bon voyage!
Open google. Type " find chuck norris" select I'm feeling lucky.
Google programmers have fun. old but still giggle worthy . Originally Posted by In6ub9

I had never seen that, too funny!!!!

"Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you."
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
The Booger Man sleeps with the lights on because he's afraid of Chuck Norris.

See also: Bruce Campbell jokes (all you Army of Darkness fans)
Honolulu to Houston it says to kayak across the Pacific Ocean for 2,756 miles LMAO
At least they are not saying follow the naked man or woman across the ocean.......LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
At least they are not saying follow the naked man or woman across the ocean.......LOL Originally Posted by Makenzee_Ryder
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-09-2010, 09:34 PM
None of them say to stop off for dinner at my house... *sigh*