going "way over"

john_deere's Avatar
you guys who put in reviews that your appointment went "way over" time need to belay that shit.

it's one thing to say a girl is unrushed or not a clock watcher, but bragging that you stretched your time is actually a disservice to her. these girls have a business to run, and setting the expectation that every appointment is open-ended isn't cool. if she's generous with her time, awesome, but that should be between you and her.
scsholar's Avatar
I agree as well and am very thankful to the ladies that go into as soccer dubs "extra time".

Now John, this may also needed to be mentioned in another forum for the men only.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
I can't count how many times ladies have complained to me about guys who go way over.
john_deere's Avatar
Now John, this may also needed to be mentioned in another forum for the men only. Originally Posted by scsholar
there are n00bs without premium access who should see it.
Phrasing's Avatar
Good info sirs
If you are going to overstay your visit I hope that you compensate them in some way. A couple of my ATFs usually extend my visits so I give them an additional donation or at least buy them dinner. Once I went out and bought one of them jumper cables, mag flashlight, road flares, and a tool kit right before my visit with her due to the text exchange we had when scheduling. After she finished laughing her ass off she gave me one of the better experiences of my hobbying life.
busternutzs's Avatar
at least buy them dinner. Once I went out and bought one a mag flashlight, road flares, right before my visit. Originally Posted by JHurt1968
Did you buy Tigress dinner or a flashlight and road flares. So she could flag you down for a pick up? LOL
Ugh. She is still without a doubt one of the most fucking annoying people I've ever dealt with.
john_deere's Avatar
i'm glad you guys see it this way. i'm still waiting for someone who doesn't to come at me…
Anyone who disagrees is a cheap bastard.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
Anyone who disagrees is a cheap bastard. Originally Posted by JHurt1968
.... Or has disillusioned themselves into thinking that the provider likes this guy so much them at she'd willingly volunteer her time just to be with him a little longer.
busternutzs's Avatar
Since we are on the subject of time and $$$. Maybe some of our VPs could also chime in with their thoughts.

Something I had come up and others per reviews I've read. What about shower time? if a guy needs to shower at the incall location before and after the session. Should shower time be counted as being on the clock?

I understand if you showering together at the beginning of the session how the shower should be included as part of the BCD activities.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
Good question, BN. I hope the ladies will contribute to this thread.
My general thought is that I should compensate the provider for her time regardless of what we're doing during that time. Shower, talking, browsing the internet together, anything. If she wants to turn off the "clock" on our time then that is her decision, not mine.
And yes that does happen. I saw this one provider a hand-full of times. We had wonderful conversations and our appointments always went long (which I always compensated her for). Upon a request from me for a future 1 hour booking she said "Yes, but you're staying for 2 hours. The first hour is on you, the second hour is on me... we never have enough time to talk."
busternutzs's Avatar
That's very considerate of her to let you talk to her for an hour on her dime. And yes I am being sarcastic.
john_deere's Avatar
that's pretty cynical, breh. these girls are people.....is it so hard to imagine they sometimes actually just want to hang out?

as for the shower thing...just ask. the strict sense of it would be that it's on the clock since any time you're in her incall is time some other paying client can't be. opportunity cost, bros.