What is Expected

What do you expect when you visit a provider?

Ladies, what do you expect from the gentleman?

I expect:

The lady to be sexy, clean, shave your legs & no sweats.

Do not waste my time

Be clear on the service provided and expected donation.

Enjoy what you do.
DallasRain's Avatar
And hobbyist...come in with a fun pleasant personality and get ready for fun!

Providers..if we are doing a double,bring supplies and be ready for sexy wild fun!!
LongTimeMonger's Avatar
I expect a safe location, a clean, friendly provider and a clear statement of the boundaries.
I always make sure to be clean, fresh breath, and I greet them like an old and dear friend. I usually ask during the initial conversation what is not allowed and then I respect that boundary. I also place the donation somewhere obvious in the first couple of minutes.