Netbook Damage - replace or repair?

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-08-2010, 07:50 AM
I took my laptop on a recent trip and left my netbook at home. Backwards, I know. Shush... It was a bad decision. It was damaged in the overhead bin, and while on my trip I had insurance fix it with some out of pocket costs.

A week after my return, I grab my netbook to let a friend use it while she is over doing laundry. Fucking fuck! WTF! The screen is shattered. It was sitting in the EXACT place I Left it. The person I had "house sitting" has no clue.. convenient. *glare*

It is a Toshiba NB305-N410BL ... Cost me about 350 new - not long ago.

Should I just replace the whole thing or repair the screen?
what sense does this make putting on the board, buy a new one.
I repair computers for a living. I can get a screen for about $50 US plus tax and shipping. Labor would be about $100. Could be cheaper there. But, there also could be a lot more wrong than just the screen. If the computer has an exterinal monitor port, connect a monitor to it and make sure it actualy works other than the screen.

Of course, if you were local we could work on the labor costs
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 11-08-2010, 10:27 AM
Oh.. it still works and functions properly.. I can still SEE half of the screen, and navigate pretty well within windows. Nothing else appears damaged. I've had a bad streak with laptops lately... this will be the 3rd screen in a year to shatter. *sigh* and NONE of them were MY fault. Grr...

How hard would it be to replace it myself? I am purty handy with tools, and this thing has like 2 places where the screen and encasement connect. Should I just try? I've dismantled desktops and other electronics, but I have always been a bit nervous about laptops. If I go ahead and go the route of buying the replacement part, would it be better to get JUST the LCD insert or go ahead and look for something inside the encasement? Is that an option?

I hate the idea of paying another 350 for something I actually use and need when it is a +/- 150 repair...
Txh64's Avatar
  • Txh64
  • 11-08-2010, 12:29 PM
It is not hard to replace yourself if you are decent with tools. You should be able to find the repair/parts manual online or get a copy from the manufactor. With a netbook you may want a magnifying glass for disassembly and reassembly. You will most likely need some very small screwdrivers. Also, the plastic case is very likely pressure snapped together so getting things open may take some very careful prying with tools and fingernails.

With a netbook I might prefer finding a screen already encased (probably used) to avoid some extra work. Downside might be finding a working one that matches your current screen.

I would get an estimate on repair and the manual then make a judgement on how much I would save versus doing the repair myself.

You also might find videos online on youtube or DYI sites that take you step by step through the process.

Google search on "how to replace netbook screen" to start.
Depending on the computer, this may be a few screws or a major teardown and rebuild. If it requires the top panel be removed to replace the screen, you may have to fully dissamble the whole computer to get to the hinges, etc. If you can remove the screen from the basel without having to take everthing apart, you could be OK. Getting the lcd already encased will most likely double the cost of the screen, or more. The price I quoted was for a used LCD panel. These parts are VERY easy to break. Its nothing like a desktop at all. And, any damage is very expensive to repair as your finding out.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 11-08-2010, 04:27 PM
If you can replace the screen yourself, that would be the way to go. But labor may be a lot cheaper in Asia than it is here.