HEY WANT TO KNOW WHERE SOME OF THE SAFER PARTS OF TOWN ARE? A PLACE TO WORK IN? I'm lookin for a new place just not sure were to go? I mean not hot. I would like to be in Fort worth but if Dallas is safer than I can do Dallas. Most the hobbiest I see are in Fort Worth. Were do most of you girls think are safer a apt. or office space? I really needs some answers so I know were to set up shop. Maybe you know someone that would like to share a space?I have to move soon so any advice would be very appreciative. thanks
pmdelites's Avatar
several factors to consider, if i were considering.
1. where do most of my clients live? do i want to live close to them? think about their drive times. think about bumping into them in the "neighborhood."

2. how much money do you want to pay for a place? i'm guessing that fw rents might be less.

3. do you plan on using this new place as just an incall or incall & living space? if the former, how far are you willing to drive to get there? if the latter, you probably know about the concerns of mixing the two.

i'm sure there are lots of other factors.

fwiw, i know of one woman [does more than fbsm] who lives in ft worth but has her incall in dallas, and has had it for several years. she's willing to make the drive as needed. you may not.