Cancelled Movie Release of The Interview.

lovesallsex's Avatar
Am I the only one who is irked that Sony decided to cancel the release of The Interview because of threats from that North Korean midget coward, made through his anonymous cronies?

I get the worry about harm to patrons, and I respect that, but C'mon!!

I was really looking forward to going to that movie with my T shirt that has a pic of KJU with a red circle around his face and a diagonal line thru it. LOL
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
The problem is that once you begin bowing to the demands of one group, where does it end? There are people in the world right now that are willing to kill people over a Seth Rogen/James Franco movie and the contents of a newpaper/magazine cartoon. Freedom of expression for artists and the right to see whatever art we choose is under fire and it could be much, much worse in the future.
I don't think it had as much to do with safety as I do that
The Sony hackers had some seriously embarrassing stuff that Sony thought might get released if they didn't pull the plug. Think about the damage of all the email and payroll leaks as well as confidential files and personal info.
Which as a result would have landed them in court even worse...with lawsuits
In the end I say I say Fuck North Korea nuke their Kimchi eating asses
and then announce the release and next week put it in theaters!

We may never know
lovesallsex's Avatar
I don't think it had as much to do with safety as I do that
The Sony hackers had some seriously embarrassing stuff that Sony thought might get released if they didn't pull the plug. Think about the damage of all the email and payroll leaks as well as confidential files and personal info.
Which as a result would have landed them in court even worse...with lawsuits
In the end I say I say Fuck North Korea nuke their Kimchi eating asses
and then announce the release and next week put it in theaters!

We may never know Originally Posted by BigDeal
Good point, and that may have been a BIG part of it. Hadn't really thought about that aspect. But Sony has got to realize that whether they release the movie or not, these nutjobs probably won't restrain themselves from releasing the information anyway, or distributing it to some other organization that will. Either way, it's probably going to happen, so Sony might as well release the movie and make some $ to pay for all those lawyers.

I have a feeling that if Sony did release the movie, a lot of people would go see it who wouldn't normally have gone. I thought it looked insipid when I saw the first trailer for it, and I may not have gone to see it, but because of all the stink from North Korea, I'd DEFINITELY go see it now if it were released!

I hope that we can all appreciate that things are said in seemingly private emails that we might not say in public. It's not ideal, but it's human nature. I hear the things that have been revealed and although I might not like what I hear, I realize that we all make off color comments in private, so I kind of shrug it off--to an extent.
I spent time in Korea in the military....I personally think at some point there will be a war
lovesallsex's Avatar
Maybe. Technically, the conflict is ongoing to this day. There was never a peace treaty, just a truce, which by definition is a temporary cessation in fighting, so you could be right. I hope not.
amyoto's Avatar
you also have to consider that North Korea has nukes and its not worth going to war over a movie that looks mediocre in the first place.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
you also have to consider that North Korea has nukes and its not worth going to war over a movie that looks mediocre in the first place. Originally Posted by amyoto
I'm just retouching what you guys have stated overall.
Its about the principal not to bend to retarded demands, Sony probably bowing cause of their stolen shit not the safety of anybody else, I'm sure we will respond in kind as a country. Fuck them bastards!

War is a horrible thing but living without the freedom they want to take,well, let's go to
amyoto's Avatar
dont get me wrong though. if i was sony i wouldnt have given in at all. in fact i would release the movie online for free. id put that shit all over youtube.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Am I the only one who is irked that Sony decided to cancel the release of The Interview because of threats from that North Korean midget coward, made through his anonymous cronies?

I get the worry about harm to patrons, and I respect that, but C'mon!!

I was really looking forward to going to that movie with my T shirt that has a pic of KJU with a red circle around his face and a diagonal line thru it. LOL Originally Posted by lovesallsex
c'mon what?? Did you think this through?

Major movie chains, AMC, rejal,etc, told sony they would not carry the interview

if sony didnt budge and released the movie as planned, and something happened, who do you blame?

Sony is already under suit for the information that was hacked,ie some 42K employee, Social Security numbers, salaries, performance reviews and personal medical information.
what was the benifet to Sony to go ahead and release the movie?
when it does get released, are you not going to see it?
Of course you will see it, now more than ever you want to see what all the hype was about,.
Sony did the right thing, to cover their butt, and get people to want to see this movie.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
dont get me wrong though. if i was sony i wouldnt have given in at all. in fact i would release the movie online for free. id put that shit all over youtube. Originally Posted by amyoto
oh yeah,I wonder if it's thinking like that has led you to not be in charge of sony and left to post on hooker boards
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
I don't think it had as much to do with safety as I do that
The Sony hackers had some seriously embarrassing stuff that Sony thought might get released if they didn't pull the plug. Think about the damage of all the email and payroll leaks as well as confidential files and personal info.
Which as a result would have landed them in court even worse...with lawsuits
In the end I say I say Fuck North Korea nuke their Kimchi eating asses
and then announce the release and next week put it in theaters!
Big Deal, I must respectfully (kind of) disagree. If you think like a lawyer (which comprise a lot of the top brass at Sony), you'll see the potential liabilities of going forward with any kind of release. Remember that there were a number of lawsuits that went forward after the theater shootings at the "Dark Knight Rises" Premiere ( They were able to defend the suits by asserting they had no way to reasonably expect what happened (the shooting). Sony Pictures would have no such defense after being warned.
lovesallsex's Avatar
c'mon what?? Did you think this through?

Major movie chains, AMC, rejal,etc, told sony they would not carry the interview

if sony didnt budge and released the movie as planned, and something happened, who do you blame?

Sony is already under suit for the information that was hacked,ie some 42K employee, Social Security numbers, salaries, performance reviews and personal medical information.
what was the benifet to Sony to go ahead and release the movie?
when it does get released, are you not going to see it?
Of course you will see it, now more than ever you want to see what all the hype was about,.
Sony did the right thing, to cover their butt, and get people to want to see this movie. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
The cowardice of the theater chains is part of my frustration. The lawsuits are baseless and completely defensible. All the theaters have to do is announce that patrons can view the movie at their own risk and let each individual assess the risk/benefit for himself. Any lawsuits filed will be defended under their liability insurance for which Sony or the theaters have already paid in premiums long since purchased. Is there risk? Some, yes. But in balance, it's not worth the cost of giving in to extortion.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Big Deal, I must respectfully (kind of) disagree. If you think like a lawyer (which comprise a lot of the top brass at Sony), you'll see the potential liabilities of going forward with any kind of release. Remember that there were a number of lawsuits that went forward after the theater shootings at the "Dark Knight Rises" Premiere ( They were able to defend the suits by asserting they had no way to reasonably expect what happened (the shooting). Sony Pictures would have no such defense after being warned. Originally Posted by The Sixth Beatle
which is what I mentioned
c'mon what?? Did you think this through?

if sony didnt budge and released the movie as planned, and something happened, who do you blame? Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
The Sixth Beatle's Avatar
Also, I couldn't help reading President Obama's criticizing Sony's decision, saying they should have spoken to him first. One, if the President of the United States has something important to add to an issue, he/she shouldn't have to wait to be asked. The President should have used his channels to send a message to Sony execs in the US or Japan to communicate whatever it is he wanted them to know/do prior to establishing policy.

Second, what would he do? Indemnify them? How? Increase sanctions against North Korea? The ROK has already denied any involvement with the terrorist group that has authored the security attacks and threats.