When they say 'I love what I do" what does that mean?

Still Looking's Avatar
I seem to see those catch phrases like "I Love What I Do"...

What does that mean?
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tpepsi's Avatar
Don't know what they mean, but I take it to mean she'll have a smile, pretend or otherwise, instead of a sulky scowl during your visit.
It depends on where it's placed in the ad. If it comes after "new in town' but before "real pics," she might be real and mean it. If it comes at the end of the ad or in any proximity to "100% me," she's a fake and all we are is an ATM.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
It means I like when you have a leather wallet rather than a nylon velco one.

....gold money clip works too.


It means they love counting your money after you cum after you leave when it only took you 30 seconds to cum.

savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 12-19-2014, 08:17 AM
threAD time.
snoogins70's Avatar
It means they love making anywhere from $200 to $2,000 a day vs. $8 an hr flipping burgers or jocking a register somewhere. And it's TAX FREE!!
Interesting topic I for one enjoy the company 😉 and don't always enjoy what I do for the that reason being some of you gents have B.O or bad hygiene if that makes any sense ...lol other than that I enjoy you gentlemen 😆
Happy Friday Ladies & Gentlemen 🎁💋🎅
One of these days when I am in a feisty mood and see a gal I wouldn't normally see that I don't like at a hotel, I'm gonna wait until she's in the bathroom, remove the pillow case from one of her pillows, wipe my butt with the pillow then put he pillow case back on. That night I will wonder as she rests her head on that pillow to sleep, if she notices any poo smell.

Or when her next client comes in and his head is on the pillow as she is doing bbbj, if he notices.

Then will see if she posts on her ads that she Loves what she does.
Don't hope she smells poo, go for the pink eye.
With her eyes glued shut, we'll find out if she REALLY likes what she does, or at the very least how much she likes you
Driver420's Avatar
She loves what's she does as soon as those fucking bills start coming in and dead line is getting closer. That sums it up right???
inspector farquar's Avatar
I'm gonna wait until she's in the bathroom, remove the pillow case from one of her pillows, wipe my butt with the pillow then put he pillow case back on. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
That's disgusting.

But based on some other things you've posted on these forums, I'd say you're improving. I mean it's still disgusting, but it's definitely better than outing a provider to her mother. Remember that one? How you were bragging about it?

It's also better than being indiscreet. Multiple times. "Saw so and so at the social and let me tell you ..." And then lied about it when challenged. Lied about it as a moderator. Tsk tsk tsk.

Just a few of your greatest San Antonio hits. I bet there's a pile more in Dallas.
snoogins70's Avatar
One of these days when I am in a feisty mood and see a gal I wouldn't normally see that I don't like at a hotel, I'm gonna wait until she's in the bathroom, remove the pillow case from one of her pillows, wipe my butt with the pillow then put he pillow case back on. That night I will wonder as she rests her head on that pillow to sleep, if she notices any poo smell.

Or when her next client comes in and his head is on the pillow as she is doing bbbj, if he notices.

Then will see if she posts on her ads that she Loves what she does. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
This is precisely why most of my activities are either sitting, standing or I'm just really careful with where I rest my head (no pun intended) I wonder how many of you sick fucks were there before me performing FIV, FIA or COF and then wiping your fingers all over the same linens I'm laying on. Food for thought fellas!!