Provider Convo

Newb2010's Avatar
Hi all,

I am new to site but not the hobby. I have noticed something that has bothered me and wanted to see if I could get the input of others here. I have recently noticed from last two experiences, with well-reviewed providers, of their BCD conversations RE: other hobbyists. I think of myself as average in appearance and adequate BCD but the conversations of late about how wonderful hobbyist x,y, or z was BCD and how physically appealing they were kind of puts a downer on my experience...think performance anxiety! And it always seems about the more veteran hobbyists on this forum that I am hearing about. Was wondering if it is just me or is this something more prevalent. I certainly have not made plans for a repeat visit obviously. In years past, this was never an issue but perhaps it was me being oblivious. Thanks in advance for your input.
We need names in order to give you a better answer

(Rumor has it that cpi is paying those ladies to say those things, so I wouldn't pay too much attention to it. Shhhhhh! )
Jasser's Avatar
My suggestion would be to quit talking and plug an orifice. That should limit bad convo.
I think of myself as average in appearance and adequate BCD but the conversations of late about how wonderful hobbyist x,y, or z was BCD and how physically appealing they were . . . . Originally Posted by Newb2010
We need names in order to give you a better answer Originally Posted by Dannie
I'm innocent.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I so wish these girls would stop bragging about me. It's embarrassing.
Peanut's Avatar
I know they are not talking about me. But I had one provider talk about other hobbyist's by handle. I havent been back to see her.
So your saying while you were BCD, they mentioned other guys? That is SO wrong. You should have their total attention during a session. Your paying for their time and you should be the only guy that gets mentioned during BCD. You are doing the right thing to never go back to them.
Sooooo wrong! That's not nice at all.

There are so many other things in the world to talk about.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I so wish these girls would stop bragging about me. It's embarrassing. Originally Posted by Gonzo DFW
We just can't help ourselves, when it's good we gotta tell the whole world.....

On a serious note. Ladies...... Discretion is a must!
I've been known as Dr Zee, or just Zee for short. Haha.
It's not very nice for them to do so, unless you're comparing the gal with other ladies (I assume you didn't do that).
Before she talks, you should stick something in her mouth to keep her quiet.
pmdelites's Avatar
it's called product placement!!

if this were on the first visit and she initiated the conversation, then i, too, would be concerned about her level of discretion.

if this were on the first visit and i initiated the conversation, then i would be guilty of prying or comparing or being less than sensitive about the topic. esp. if i'm telling her how wonderfully mary sue consulted with me.

now, if this were on the 4th or 5th or 10th and the woman and i get along well and we are pretty damn sure about our discretion, we might discuss things or places or people, but not to irritate or be insensitive. more to share what's going on in the world.

but, jasser had it right.
if she starts talking about things you dont want to hear,
instead of asking her to quit talking,
distract her with another activity.
..... [**cough** **cough**]
assuming you didnt talk about bobbie jo's french dicktation skills earlier in your meeting.
How about a little less Pillow Talk and more working on round 2 or 3?!! LOL

Italiana Princess
TheBizzer's Avatar
If it's during your session, I'd say something. That's just common courtesy, in or out of the hobby.

If you're talking about here on the board, that's just the ladies knowing where their bread is buttered. How good you are in bed tends to have a direct correlation with how much money you have and how easily you can be made to part with it. This is also true outside of the hobby, come to think of it
Some of the gentlemen are just as guilty as the ladies. A few years back, I had a client (that I haven't seen in an eternity...ahem) that most knew was a regular of mine, and not because I chatted their ear off about him. I swear every client I saw asked me about him. Our session would start, "So, how is good ole......?"

On the flip side, I probably know more about the ladies here than I care to know. I have heard how good so-in-so does this or that...etc. Discretion is the rule...but we all tend to break rules when we are comfortable with someone.

I hear stories about myself sometimes from people I don't talk to on a regular basis...and I am left wondering who the heck is putting my business in the street? lol I have had a day when I had two appointments scheduled and when Gentlemen 1 arrives.. he says Gentleman 2 says to tell you hello. Talk about UNCOMFORTABLE! It's bad when someone knows your schedule better than you do.

Pillow talk is a given...just know that almost no one will keep quiet about what you tell them...rumors spread like wildfire. If you are talking in our ear about another provider, you will do the same with the next girl about us.

To the OP.....if your dates are talking to you about how wonderful another client is in bed..or just another client period and you don't like should certainly let them know that you don't appreciate it and then decide if you want to give her a chance to correct the problem.
It all depends on who started the conversation or what led to it.
If you are asking them how you compare then it would be your fault.
If you are talking about the hobby and the people in it ,other names may come up also.
If you don't like talking about the hobby talk about the Cowboys and how they suck. That will for sure get you limp as a noodle.