Unresponsive polenta

BrianSmithYes's Avatar
So I was shopping at Central Market this evening with my SO, and the polenta aisle caught my fancy for who knows what reason. However, as I write this, the reason has become apparent: I was confusing polenta with posole. In any case, when I picked up the polenta to add to our cart, my gorgeous SO mentioned that she has bought and prepared polenta in the past and that I was "unresponsive" to it. This of course immediately brought my mind to unresponsive nipples, which in turn brought my mind to distracting tattoos.

The lesson here is clear: always know the difference between polenta and posole, lest your mind be cluttered with clichés about tattoos and nipples, which could very well spoil your shopping experience.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Of course you were unresponsive to polenta. Both polenta and posole are animal fodder in the gustatory lexicon of my people. Which is not to brag. My people eat cephalopodic mollusks.

Forget about your association between polenta and nipples and weird shit like that and eat a steak. With some more steak.

"cephalopodic mollusks"

my people call that "scungilli salad"

it was a happy day when my taste buds matured enough to enjoy it.

btw, how the hell do you confuse posole with polenta?
If you are wearing a blindfold, the tattoos are much less distracting, IMHO.
Bob McV's Avatar
unresponsive nipples and distracting tattoos?

I have no experience with this... please explain

I once saw a gal with tattoo in a fancy font that said "Dream You're Reality". While annoying I can't say it distracted me... the guy in the closest chanting "hey batter batter, saawwwing batter" that was distracting!
googol^googol's Avatar
'Unresponsive polenta' would be a great suggestion for an improv comedy sketch. But a bad name for a band.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah've been drunker n' a skunk, but Ah ain't never cornfused hominy fer souper-fine grits.
BrianSmithYes's Avatar
Both polenta and posole are animal fodder in the gustatory lexicon of my people. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
A Frenchman once told me that corn on the cob is only fit for pigs. Off the cob, however, is suitable for humans and Frenchmen especially.

btw, how the hell do you confuse posole with polenta? Originally Posted by atxhrny
Haven't a clue. Because they both start with 'po'?

If you are wearing a blindfold, the tattoos are much less distracting, IMHO. Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
This sounds like good fun! Just to be clear, I'm not at all anti-tattoo. My original post was about the clichés and how they get stuck in my mind when hearing certain trigger words in an unrelated context. In a word cloud that represents proximity and frequency of word pairs on Eccie, "distracting"/"tattoo" and "responsive"/"nipples" would be unduly heavily weighted.

In fact, I'm considering having this little non-distracting beauty inked right above me dick:
Ah, a nice random-ish thread. It's been a while.

here's a pic...maybe it will show up in an ad one day.

Miss Valentina's Avatar
Quim sez: Stop hijacking threads with weird album covers!!

David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Yew all wuldn't know good musick if'n it jumped up an' bit ya on yer taint!