Any info on Stacy - ad on BP?

NSABCB's Avatar
uncleluke's Avatar
Doesn't look legit! That pic in the ad is a pic of porn star Tyra Moore. If you right-click on the pic in that ad and hit 'save image as', you'll see that the name doesn't match the name in the ad. In fact, it's saved as Tyra's name.

Also, when you google the number, different ads with different names and pictures pop up. Here are examples:

I'd say stay away from that ad. But Tyra Moore sure does look bangin'
uncleluke's Avatar
These are pics of Tyra from probably the same scene as the pic in the ad:

Hope this helps!
NSABCB's Avatar
Thanks uncleluke. I'll avoid.
charliec's Avatar
Did a phone search, got a hit on these...

Notice how one day she's in Houston, then Nashville, then Beaumont? WOW!
charliec's Avatar
Have used tineye before, it is a fantastic time saver. Thanks for the reminder Filipina!!!
welcome... i learned about it in seattle when someone was using my pics.