Junk-Bond Worries Spread Beyond Oil
http://m.news4sanantonio.com/news/Ex...eredirect=true... and Oklahoma, Louisiana, Wyoming, North Dakota ...
Junk-Bond Worries Spread Beyond Oil Originally Posted by SEE3772
The idea that cheap gas prices hurt the economy is a common economic fallacy. It's never good to pay high prices for anything. High fuel costs lead to higher prices for almost every other item. Follow the link for a far more in-depth discussion (and better explanation) than I can provide in a simple forum post.It will hurt the economies of the states already listed. In those states, high paying jobs will be cut which will lead to unemployment for individuals working in that sector, and that will lead to decreased tax revenue from those individuals, and the companies they worked for, going into those states' coffers.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOZJ6EOwBk0 Originally Posted by sailorman1980