eccie and internet explorer

Anyone else having issue loading eccie on explorer browser? It loads up all funky but chrome loads up just fine. I prefer explorer and hope its just temp.

mine did too but I updated and it seems to work fine now for the most part
  • jwood
  • 12-24-2014, 10:11 PM
Switched to Chrome awhile back. Haven't gone back.
muffin101's Avatar
Ya, I have the same issue with IE especially with uploading pics. Not sure if my IE browser was up to date. I've always used Firefox, Chrome does sound pretty legit.
YoHou's Avatar
  • YoHou
  • 12-25-2014, 11:36 AM
why do people still use IE? It sucks as a browser and developers hate it because they can make a site for all browsers, but have to tweak it just to make it look the same on IE.

I used to only use IE at work because their servers do a check for the browser and will not work without IE. Then tried firefox with useragent settings changed now never have to use it.

redbeard42's Avatar
Internet Explorer is the best browser around for downloading a better browser.
IE is working again with Eccie. Still using Chrome as my back up.
why do people still use IE? Originally Posted by YoHou
Let me know when u find out. It does SUCK