Ladies would love to hear what you also have too say.
This is mainly for the gent's though.

For those of you that are NEWBIE'S, it's understandable that you don't know the routine of what to do too schedule a visit with us Providers. But, it's so frustrating when I see a PM from someone that has been on here for years and knows the routine of screening. When I advertise....I put please send screening info in 1st PM. All the information needed is listed on my showcase and on my website. NO EXCUSES GUYS!! So you wonder why some of us just don't even bother replying to your PM or when we reply back asking for such don't bother replying back at all. In my book, that is so disrespectful. I'm sure you don't want to spend ALL DAY PMing back and forth. Neither do I. So, get too the point and LET'S HAVE FUN!!
I don't give myself brain damage over it. If i have to pull teeth in getting the info. then i just ignore you and move on. I mean come on we are all adults here. ZERO TOLERANCE for BS!!!!
innovation's Avatar
Most of you are gentle and understanding on background checks. Very important. As a matter fact most important. Some of you are working independently and others have schedulers. Any ways I lost my cool once and that costed me on being Caroline D's list. Do I feel bad about it yes do I regret my position yes will I beg no. Since Texas is a great a place for the Johns and Jills. Plenty of great people and options. Do I do my home work? trust me like a sniper hunting for a top sniper and like a F18 fighter pilot patrolling Kosovo with SAM locks every few minutes. respect, dignity and gratification are the three most important thing to me even it is for an hour long mission.
Not everyone has their own scheduler that can spend all day PM'ing back and forth...back and forth. I have a detailed "showcase". I even have a website. Everything you need to know on it and most on my showcase. What frustrates me is most gent's know they have to screen before seeing ANY PROVIDER. So why not get it out of the way. Why when asked for the screening info, never contact me again when they know it's what I ask for and every other provider asks for? Would save the hassle for both Hobbyist and Provider if the Hobbyist did just as much "homework" as us Providers do. And makes playtime even more enjoyable for both.
Guest010115-3's Avatar
The bad part is when I text with the verification info and the next question they ask is please provide ur cell phone number, or when I provide provider references in the first email or pm and 3 pm's later, they ask me for provider references or when I give all that info and after getting verified, they ncns, or when I give my p411 info as requested and still get a question on giving provider references. I can keep going but in general, there are two sides to the verification process, and it's an inconvenient necessity, some guys provide it and get the run around, some ladies demand it and get the same.

Just develop ur own method of doing it considering all the possible inconveniences and decide if u wanna see someone or not. One thing av learnt is for both hobbyists and providers, there is no one size fits all for verification but consistency can get u close to that goal.
When I first started, I replied to most incomplete inquiries. But I soon learned to distinguish between who is actually wanting to book with me, and who is just wasting my time. The majority of the time when someone sent me a PM without screening information, when I replied back requesting it, there was no response. So at this point, I only respond to emails/PMs that follow my screening requirements which are clearly stated in my showcase and on my website.
pyramider's Avatar
I just send the ladies photos of my 1.3" of dangling death.
I just send newbies a link to my screening form - Ask questions later.
citizen44's Avatar
I believe where you may be running into an issue is your assumption we read any info in your showcase or ads. This is how we operate:

1). Whether in an ad or review we see a hot naked lady
2). Immediately go and read 5-10 reviews where all the info we could care about is listed. Rates/menu/review/phone number.
3). Text lady saying "Hey, I'd like to bone you at 1:00, you available?"

Why send screening info when you don't even know if she's available?

The above is just an opinion, I use p411 and don't have to deal with any of that BS reference stuff.
When I first started, I replied to most incomplete inquiries. But I soon learned to distinguish between who is actually wanting to book with me, and who is just wasting my time. The majority of the time when someone sent me a PM without screening information, when I replied back requesting it, there was no response. So at this point, I only respond to emails/PMs that follow my screening requirements which are clearly stated in my showcase and on my website. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall

Which I'm sure more then half of them don't even look at the Showcase. It's right there in black and white and I still get questions asking me the same. If I answered everyone's questions that I have clearly already stated answers in my showcase or my website. Then I would never have time to PLAY!
If you advertise "newbie" friendly, you must be prepared to deal with the inexperience and the volume this creates.

What a stupid post. When providers post bullshit like this, it only hurts their business because the newbies don't get the message and experienced hobbyists marks you off their "to-do" list because the provider comes across as a bitchy.

You are gong to have to learn to take the good with the bad because you are not fixing stupidity with this post.
WHATEVER....speak to the hand. BE GONE!
WHATEVER....speak to the hand. BE GONE! Originally Posted by Cyndi Lyn
LexusLover's Avatar
When I first started, .... Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
... there was no internet, no mobile phones, and the only "reference" was ...

...on a pay phone ...." "Joe" told me to call and come by for an hour visit" .

Date and time was set, and I arrived with my $25, ....

.... which got "creme de le creme" for a full hour of you name it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Which I'm sure more then half of them don't even look at the Showcase.....! Originally Posted by Cyndi Lyn
I always look at the showcase, and expect the showcase to be accurate.