I'm a New ECCIE Provider - Should I screen?


I am posting this in Coed because, EVEN IF YOU ARE NOT YET A VERIFIED PROVIDER, you have the right and the ability to screen and stay safe. Becoming a verified provider will make it even easier.

I have been contacted by a few new ladies and a common question is in reference to screening. I understand that some of you may not feel entitled to screen because you just "got here" and you want to get started without "imposing". Do not feel that way.

Good clients (and the GREAT majority of these gents fall under this category), understand why we screen. Now, with that said, they may or may not be comfortable with the level of screening you would like to do, BUT 99% of the time, they will not mind providing you a reference or two if they have one.

If you are contacted by a newbie client (a client who has no references), there are several ways you may screen them. You may also choose to only see clients with references. That is completely up to you.

Screening should be part of your job but, I am a firm believer that you need to find a balance between your level of perceived safety and your need to conduct business. Ex: asking that your client sends you a selfie will probably cut down on your number of appts, as many hobbyists would rather not share their pictures with you.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Stay safe!

Yes, sending a selfie is completely out of the question. As well, providing place of employment!
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
New eccie "verified" providers should screen just like everyone else. But to me, a non-verified provider asking for lots of screening requirements could be a danger to the hobbyist. I don't feel comfortable sending my information or references of other ladies to someone the community doesn't know. That's just plain stupid. And pictures? No way. Lol. New nonverified providers seeking verified status should go through the same crap newbie clients have to go through in order to get established. I only feel comfortable if the new non-verified girl can be vouched by established verified providers.

I see many new girls in the welcome wagon who don't provide crap as far as general information we hobbyist need to make a decision. These same new girls in return for the "awesome" information they post want lots of screening info from us guys. To hell with that lol. I don't understand the logic. I know many still give their info and then in 1 or 2 weeks, these girls are gone. You don't know how careless they have been with your info or if it's a pimp you are sending info to.

So, ..... "Non-verified" providers should be screened by US, not the other way around. IM OUT BITCHES!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Samcro84's Avatar
I screen or have the following requirements.

She has to be a ECCIE provider, so no BP girls. I even shy away from EECIE providers that advertise on BP.

Since I use P411 I only see new girls for me if they are P411 members.

She needs to have 5+ reviews from guys that I can recognize their handle. I can look at list of reviewers to know if she is what I like.

I normally do not see travelers.

When I travel I get recommendations for fellow ECCIE hobbyist.

Just a few points.

We all need to screen.


I completely understand where you are coming from but, a lady in the Welcome Wagon who is not doing, at least, bare minimal screening to just check if you are legit, is not only placing herself in danger (see the alert section in multiple cities, new girls are populating them), but they also pose a risk to the guys going to see them. Say they get picked up and choose to help the other side out? I'm not advocating for a background check, just saying we all need to keep our ears to the ground once we decide to play this game.

Prior to getting smart, I got burned twice. Once I was robbed, once I was very close to be assaulted. It could've been avoided and it could've been much worse.

Have a Happy New Year as well!
rockymax99's Avatar
I follow the same rules as samcro.
SASpurfan's Avatar
Sam and I fish in the same pond!
There's a clown in Austin alerts, goes by kingman, tman, slinkky, you ladies should get his info and pics because he claims to be from San Marcos, he's basically run out of Austin, might start trying here.
Good luck and stay vigilant!
There's a clown in Austin alerts, goes by kingman, tman, slinkky, you ladies should get his info and pics because he claims to be from San Marcos, he's basically run out of Austin, might start trying here.
Good luck and stay vigilant! Originally Posted by rockerrick

Absolutely. And what does the girl usually say? She blames on screening and not knowing better
If any of you ladies want his info, pm a email address