Please welcome ffireman to the West Texas staff

CryptKicker's Avatar
Wallance's real world prevents him from continuing so we have bestowed ambassadorship to him.

ffireman is an experienced moderator and will be a great addition to the forums! Welcome aboard sir!
Welcome ffireman. Look forward to having you here.
busternutzs's Avatar
Welcome ffireman,

I see your profile shows your location as Austin but I did see a post from Midland or at least inquiring if a certain somebody travels to Midland.

I hope you can liven up the board some. Wallance's departure left a pretty big vacancy.

Maybe as our new MOD you could answer my post in the Questions for the Staff section.
john_deere's Avatar
wwelcome, sir.
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe as our new MOD you could answer my post in the Questions for the Staff section. Originally Posted by busternutzs
It does speak to where staff places importance that Cryptkicker answered the whore that posted after your question within 5 hours of her asking and you've been waiting 20 days now for a staff response.....

Good Luck with your question.....
Phrasing's Avatar
Welcome Sir!
Puccipleaser's Avatar
How did we both end up here at the same time. I guess we are spreading some Austin love out this way.
Welcome ffireman. Know you will be an excellent addition. You might even take over if you want!
brielovesyou's Avatar
Welcome ffiremann im sure your input will be knowledgeable and welcomed. As far as the comment made by whispers calling out ck n also calling the lady a whore that he responded to your hatefulness n lack of tact is why u had such a bad response the last time you posted on west tx boards. Ck is thorough and timely moderator we here have no complaints with him.