Personally. If I am liking/seeing someone in my civi life, oftentimes I am already sexually attracted to him. Sometimes I am on the fence.
Whether either situation what I really desire more so that the sex, is the courtship up until that moment we do have sex. Since the hobby has very short courtships (which is super satiating in its own right); I yearn for lots of flirting, attention, and even a little tension.
I think about sex a lot but most of the time I want to hang out with a guy and not worry about that for a little while. Nothing better than a date when you just enjoy moments and laugh without a molesting undertone.
I swear I should just start fucking the guy at the beginning of the date and giving him 20 plus minutes to see if he is actually interested in anything nonsexual I am exuding. I bet I wouldn't be calling 90% of guys back. Would save me a bunch of time and thought.
All of this is hypothetical. I don't date.
Lusty/stubborn/jaded girl problems.