Need something deciphered...

Booty Bandit's Avatar
First of all I am a newbie, and with a little luck I will take care of popping that cherry this weekend. That said, go ahead and let the smart ass remarks fly. I am not thin skinned. and can take a joke.

What I need deciphered is the definition of the acronym for NE and SE. I have done a lot of research through urban dictionary and other adult websites describing the hobby acronyms but cannot find one.

Thanks y'all,
B. Bandit
decoyoctopus88's Avatar
Northern exploration , southern exploration . Tits and vag groping just to be extra clear.
don't feel bad, BB. those were 2 of the last acronyms I figured out.

funny how the acronym for advanced shit like mouth-to-butthole contact is so much easier to find than junior high-level tit manhandling
Booty Bandit's Avatar
Well shit!
That was too simple. But for the life of me I could not figure that 1 out.

Thanks for the replies
atxguy2006's Avatar
Here is a thread that will help with acronyms.