Question about ATF's for providers and hobbyists

sms918's Avatar
Both sides can answer this. Do you have different groups of ATF's? ATF is such a generic term. Do you have different classifications for your favorites? How do you define ATF?

Is it a provider you see a lot? Go to women? One you really seem to click with? One you do other things beside bcd? Do you know a lot about each other? other suggestions?

Same as above? One who buys or does things for you? Is an easy session for you? other suggestions

ATF is used so often. I get told, I use the term "friends" too much. I know both sides have lists of people they like or don't like, but wonder if you divide those lists into separate groups. I've read of one description called flinde's "harem"( which I assume are his ATF's).

Know some will probably have to watch how they answer because of attacks from both sides.
Well, what does ATF (All Time Favorite) mean to you?
All Time Favorite? All Time!
How can you know such a thing until you have left the hobby forever?
All Time Favorite? All Time!
How can you know such a thing until you have left the hobby forever? Originally Posted by rockerrick
+1, which is why I stopped using "ATF" a long time ago and replaced it by referring to certain ladies as being in my "Eternal Rotation."
ibceerob's Avatar
I agree w/ rotation is all that matters to me. There are several factors that determine who's in/out of the rotation... skills, schedule, location and connection.
I consider anybody I like and would like to see again a friend.

I can't say that I have an all time favorite client because each connection is different.
sms918's Avatar
I like that "Eternal rotation"

I like the different terms, We seem to use ATF and other acronyms so much they lose their meanings.
BD1969's Avatar
I have 1 atf and she has been it since ai met her.. If somone ever clicks better then I may change and acquire a new atf but for now she is still the one..
I don't have a classification per se. Each lady I like to see often have a uniqueness about them I enjoy. So I suppose I'd have a group for each one, and when I desire a certain need for a particular someone...well...we all know the rest.
Well, I guess I'll be the first girl to take the plunge.

Who consider my favorites are generally people who I clicked well with sexally and have known long enough to be fully comfortable with. Yes, we do more than just BCD time.

If you are curious...If I've slept over more than once, seen you twice or more in a week, brought in the morning together, featured you in my favorite session thread or gave you a book for Christmas then you are certainly someone I really enjoy spending time with in and out of the bedroom.