Poll: Is Mata Leon dumb?

I can't be the only one that has this on my mind, so
ECCIE community, the verdict is?
Option D: OP has an axe to grind.... Vote#1
Option D: OP has an axe to grind.... Vote#1 Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Only grind is he outed someone, every since then I have been annoyed that he is tolerated here.
Still Looking's Avatar
Only grind is he outed someone, every since then I have been annoyed that he is tolerated here. Originally Posted by noattachment
OUTED? Link?
OUTED? Link? Originally Posted by Still Looking
I am on my phone right now so I don't feel like linking it, but currently it is about the 3rd page from the front on he alerts, he talks about taking one on the chin. He had a disagreement with a provider and he himself typed that to get even he outed her to her apartments. I believe the info has been specific info has been edited out, but read others reactions to him and you can see that he committed an "outing."

If I am mistaken it could be in another thread in MLR,
However I am 100% positive that he admitted that he did it before, because ever since then I became annoyed.
Only grind is he outed someone, every since then I have been annoyed that he is tolerated here. Originally Posted by noattachment

Then you call him out in a civil manner with proof in the form of a link.

You may have a valid beef but if you've learned nothing else from the Kingman alert fiasco you should know that Eccie takes issue with being used as a weapon to attack any one of it's members even if the member has multiple reports of theft.
Then you call him out in a civil manner with proof in the form of a link.

If you've learned nothing else from the Kingman alert fiasco you should have learned that Eccie takes issue with being used as a weapon to attack any one of it's members. Originally Posted by Windinhishair
Okay, thanks for the advice. I will do it "formally" when I sit down at a computer, though it is pretty old and may have already been delt with, just ever since I read it,
It has rubbed me the wrong way.
Still Looking's Avatar
I am on my phone right now so I don't feel like linking it, but currently it is about the 3rd page from the front on he alerts, he talks about taking one on the chin. He had a disagreement with a provider and he himself typed that to get even he outed her to her apartments. I believe the info has been specific info has been edited out, but read others reactions to him and you can see that he committed an "outing."

If I am mistaken it could be in another thread in MLR,
However I am 100% positive that he admitted that he did it before, because ever since then I became annoyed. Originally Posted by noattachment
OUTING is a very serious accusation. Let's see if someone can post that intel. And before we go any further... I've admitted to keeping a copy of BP ADS with me and if I get FUKED I have slapped it down on the front desk letting hotel management know this hooker (and her pimp) will be needing a lot more towels. Would you consider that "outing"?

Maybe we can call on the ECCIE blood hound. If he can't find it it's not there! Anyone seen Rockerick?
Someone say blood?
I'm not helping this numbnuts pimp.
Mata has never done anything to me, if he posted an alert and gave up some BP ho's info good for him.
But if he wasn't banned or pointed I believe we probably just have a butthurt pimp here.
Someone say blood?
I'm not helping this numbnuts pimp.
Mata has never done anything to me, if he posted an alert and gave up some BP ho's info good for him.
But if he wasn't banned or pointed I believe we probably just have a butthurt pimp here. Originally Posted by rockerrick
Hi, I found the thread in question. In addition to the one "Mata takes one on the chin..." There is also a thread "LMFAO The HOOGAR...forget my number."

Read his post in that thread and see what he admits to doing.
Hi, I found the thread in question. In addition to the one "Mata takes one on the chin..." There is also a thread "LMFAO The HOOGAR...forget my number."

Read his post in that thread and see what he admits to doing. Originally Posted by noattachment
I think you forgot something........

It's called a link.
Whispers's Avatar
It's old news... What happened? Did you come home and find your girl with his cock in her mouth?
I have no bone in this but I am still LMAO @

No, I am a WK for sausages.

Woooow. *sigh*

pyramider's Avatar
Posting taint photos for sausages?
inspector farquar's Avatar
... to get even he outed her to her apartments ..... since then I became annoyed. Originally Posted by noattachment
..... ever since I read it,
It has rubbed me the wrong way. Originally Posted by noattachment
That's outing. And I understand your annoyance. We have a mod in SA who admitted to outing a lady to her mother, bragged about using the threat to control/intimidate her. That rubbed me the wrong way. But I guess it didn't rub ECCIE mgt. the wrong way. After all, free labor is free labor.