In the future you should be cautious about revealing Private content in open forums. Even your own.
Maybe your "one solid reference" is not so solid?
Originally Posted by inspector farquar
His reference checked out. She said he was a total sweatheart.
I don't know what else you could be doing wrong. Some ladies are not so good with Taking Care of Business. Even some ladies with good TCB make mistakes and don't get back for one reason or another.
You didn't really do anything wrong with me. In this instance I explained my reasons for declining. I even felt bad for telling you no b/c even though yourscreening checked out I had to go with my gut. I am thinking I might have been wrong. You were persistent even to the point where when I got the email notification of your response I was dreading reading what I would find. I thought it was going to be you going off on me or you being really creepy. I was pleasantly surprised with your humor and your subtleties. I adore a persistent man. I will be honest, I am known to provoke in civi courtships; but in the hobby, not so much. Furthermore I adore the hobbyist who wants to see me because he is looking for a girl just like me, not just a warm whole (I mean that's cool too but you know what I mean). So I am willing to let my guard down. Safe travels and see you when you get back!
Maybe the ladies you have contacted will reply here an say why they never got back.
I commend you for asking openly.