Vegas clubs - swinger, s&m, ts?

I will be in Vegas this week for work. Thx to eccie I think I have a date lined up one night with a reputable provider.

So what to do the other nights?

Wondering - are there any good clubs that draw a crowd? IE swingers, s&m, even ts or alternative?

I'm an open minded lover of the lifestyle that likes hanging out with other freaks. Not here to judge or necessarily even participate so don't care about age, race, whatever. So where are the crowds at?

Thx for any tips!
Green Door and Red Rooster are your two main open sex clubs.. Just a heads up, if you go as a single you won't be allowed in the couples areas which is where most of the stuff goes on. You can see some of the couples areas, but you will be blocked by a glass wall.
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  • quzi
  • 01-20-2015, 06:53 PM
Near the Green Door is a place called the Las Vegas Lounge. Last time I stopped there, there were some not good looking TS/CD. It was at least a decade ago and a buddy had a thing for TSs at the time. The area is known as the Commercial Center (953 E Sahara) which also has the famous Thai place Lotus of Siam (good luck if you don't have reservations to that place).

Swinger places are really for couples so unless you aren't bringing a second with you, you should probably skip. Two others parties worth noting, Couples Oasis and PurrfectLV.

I'll mention this again, Vegas is an expensive place to have fun. If the prices are more than you want to spend, just get drunk and skip getting your dick sucked.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Or test your game out and pick up a vacationing hottie virtually anywhere.
Thx for the replies.

Chica Chaser - My only concern with trying to pick up a hottie is it would be a casino girl trying to hit me up for cash later or someone trying to rob me. Yeah I'm a little paranoid I guess...
Thx for the replies.

Chica Chaser - My only concern with trying to pick up a hottie is it would be a casino girl trying to hit me up for cash later or someone trying to rob me. Yeah I'm a little paranoid I guess... Originally Posted by nawtymarkus
Not paranoid.
Not at all.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Yeah steer away from the CG's. If the hottie wants cash, she's probably not a vacationer
Or just avoid all that and let Alyssa be your tour guide.