Uh, No thanks.....

Back in the early 1990’s I would frequent a provider whom I was friends with. I really enjoyed just visiting with her and listening to her stories of past sessions. She told me one story about an outcall she did at a local hotel. It was at one of Austin’s more expensive hotels. Also, remember this was before the internet was available like it is today.

She said the hobbyists answered the door and asked her inside. Once inside he asked her to turn around so he could “see the merchandise”. After doing so he handed her the agreed upon donation and said, “I’m sorry but you’re really not what I’m looking for.” He then opened the door for her to leave. She said he was nice looking and very polite. He wasn’t rude, nasty or mean. He gave her the whole agreed upon donation just to show up.

So, my question to both providers and hobbyists – have you ever experienced anything like this before? Have you ever backed out of a session and if so, for what reason?
Guest102312's Avatar
No I never had to, thankfully. But I am sure that this has happened to other before and you would think maybe more than we think.
I have not backed out but sure wanted to a few times,...
with my luck they were always outcalls to my house, I did not want to create an issues I just hurried up and sent them on their way
Whispers's Avatar
I have..... Girl showing up was not even close to the one pictured....

Said No Thanks and didn't give her a penny.
cheater's Avatar
I have turned two girls away. When they showed up and didn't look like the pics. At all. I handed her 40 bucks and said thank you but no thank you. Your not the girl in the pics. The other one got mad and called her driver. When he walked up he just told her let's go and they left.I didn't want to be mean . But be real and I will be real. Respect me and I will respect you. Its that simple.
my question to both providers and hobbyists – have you ever experienced anything like this before? Have you ever backed out of a session and if so, for what reason? Originally Posted by SGlass
I've backed out of a couple over the years while traveling when the gentleman arrived completely toasted. Wrestling with drunk strangers who outweigh me by 100 lbs is not something I'll do for any amount!
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
I usually put my donation down, then they tell me I'm not what they're looking for and ask me to leave.

I've done that a few times when I started hobbying. Last few years, I don't give them the full donation if I'm going to ask them to leave. I usually give them a trip charge, $50-60 depending on denominations available. This only happens when the pictures I see are clearly not of them or very misleading. I figure if their advertising is false, I don't need to give them the full rate for services not rendered and time not spent.
rrrabbit's Avatar
I've given her the full donation, and politely told her that I'm no longer in the mood before:

I show up -> we chit chat -> I sense some tenseness on her part, and trying to converse w/ her was like pulling teeth -> I give her the full donation and tell her I'm no longer in the mood, and walk out.

Another time, girl who openes the door was 30 lbs heaver than pictured. Gave her $40 before even stepping foot into her door, turned around and left.

Another time, go into her room, we start to get underessed, and I smell something not so pleasant. Gave her the full donation, and left w/ an excuse that I just got paged for work.

None of these were BP flakes - all of them were well reviewed ASPD (RIP), TER or BigDoggie ladies.

For me, if there is no chemistry or situation is not JUST right, I'm not gonna waste my time, or her's.
Lol when I worked for an agency I went to an outcall, got inside and he said "uhh ur not who I booked with" talk about UNcomfortable. He was not even nice about it and did not even offer 10$ for gas, not that I asked. I've had a couple situations similar to this, but only while with an agency.
One time I got:

"Oh your not a petite Asian girl? I got confused by the name."

I rolled my eyes so hard they got stuck for the rest of the hour.
I rolled my eyes so hard they got stuck for the rest of the hour. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
I don't care what anybody says, that's funny!
cheater's Avatar
Marly looking at that ass I could never tell you no. Hey one time I made a app. In houston and on my way she called and asked to pick up some beer. I said kool what kind. I should of knew better when she said ice house. When I got to her appartment she opened the door and I looked behind the door. I sat the beer down and ran down the stairs. She was spooky looking. Maggie was the girls name.
I don't care what anybody says, that's funny! Originally Posted by bigtex
I for sure thought you were laughing about my grammar. WHOOPS!
Yeah, I should stay in school.