WARNING!!! Orange county Airport Travelodge..

This afternoon walking back from 711 my friend and I stopped to look if she dropped her car keys on the grass last night while doing so I seen an employee walking his dog so I asked if I seen any keys conversation went on a few mins into it low and be hold a investigator cop I stay investigator because he was dressed normal (reminded me of law and order ) he took both me and my friend to the side and said very clearly." I know what you guys are doilng,I'm not here on that I'm here on something else but you guys need to get your shit straight and the f*** out of here and tell that ass hole up stairs to stop yelling or I'll have someone do something about all this !!!) I told the man it's just me and her I'm not with anyone he cut me and said I been in Rm 140 and I know what's going on !at this point I'm just like we'll leave won't come back sir then he left without a word ..

Now I know this is real I see he badge clear as day and his tone was extremely serious and straight to tpoint ....
I've been staying here for about three years now and NEVER EVER had an issue here. I'm so sad! I love staff n workers here ..they'll most defiantly be missed ��...

Been thinking maybe he was here with Family or his watching for something or someone more serious n harmful

be careful out there lady's