On Darth Vader's Daughter Knows For Sure!

Mary Cheney is the self-proclaimed daughter of Darth Vader.

“I’m Darth Vader’s daughter,” Cheney, 45, said during a discussion at American University on Wednesday, adding that the moniker led her to decorate her son’s room with a vintage figurine of the “Star Wars” character.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/0...#ixzz3PbiGK8sI
rioseco's Avatar
Mary Cheney is the self-proclaimed daughter of Darth Vader.

“I’m Darth Vader’s daughter,” Cheney, 45, said during a discussion at American University on Wednesday, adding that the moniker led her to decorate her son’s room with a vintage figurine of the “Star Wars” character.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/0...#ixzz3PbiGK8sI Originally Posted by bigtex

Congratulations, nice that it worked out for you that way.
Congratulations, nice that it worked out for you that way. Originally Posted by rioseco
Mary Cheney knows her old man well!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hi, (simple) Jack!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Once again, Tampon has a statement is search of a point.
Once again, Tampon has a statement is search of a point. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
By JDIdiot's own admission, the significance of Dick Cheney's daughter openly expressing that her old man was a modern day version of Darth Vader, flew right over his head.

Did anyone other than me hear the distinct swoooooooooooshing sound?

I can't help but wonder if Professor (I use that term loosely) Idiot would have understood it better, had the words been presented in children's book form.

You know, something along the lines of "My Pet Goat."

I seriously doubt it!
Another cut and paster from BigKotex, the cu(n)t and runner!

(BigKotex smilicons added for emphasis!)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually there is a book about Darth Vader and his daughter (Princess Leia). I thought you were plagarizing that childrens book. However, I don't hear her saying that her father WAS Darth Vader but that people THINK he is Darth Vader (which if you think about it is very silly but I guess we can count you in with the silly people)
Dick is getting up a bird hunt sign up now...
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's you assholes on the left that gave him that moniker.
He wore it proudly and so does she.

It's kind of like when Dipshit Emeritus, ass up, calls me a dipshit.
It means I've "arrived"!

It means we bug the shit out of you and we love it!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What was that thing from a few years ago that was given a nickname.....it was named after it's owner....it wasn't the real name but the owner finally owned it.....right! It was Obamacare and if I remember correctly some of the libs on this site still object to that name.