congratulations COLT fans

Good luck in the Super Bowl!!!
John Bull's Avatar
Yes Indeed. Peyton did the job and I'll be rooting for the Colts in the Super Bowl.
Hat's Off to the Colt's bring 1 home for the AFC!
John Bull's Avatar
If they win, would you move to Indianapolis Taylor.
He-He John Bull...... Only if you would take me to the parade. lol
John Bull's Avatar
I'd have to put you on the top of the float.
LoL Are you pulling my chain J.B.?
Because Taylor loves the floats. lol
John Bull's Avatar
Ah now see! You went and got the ol' gent stirred up and now I'll have to figure out a way to get to KC.
Can I Pm you maybe I can help you with that JB......
? I'm still waiting
John Bull's Avatar
I haven't seen the PM yet.
Go Colts!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
This thread is way old. Start a new one if you wish to continue the conversation.