Inspector Farquar wants to decide who should start threads and who should post for you. Is that what you want? Think he'll achieve his goal?
Here is a small sampling of what COED looked like:
Do you jack off to my pics?
When I come back to S.A.
New phone # yay
What does fresh pussy smell like?
So as a board member I thought I'd liven up the COED section and offer up some new threads. Of course that didn't sit right with inspector farqeer. He started bumping old threADS to remove my threADS from the front page effectively stopping board members from posting in them. Childish games. He feels that other board members are responsible enough to choose to post or not post and let the threads die of natural causes.
He talk about other board members as being trash and their involvement should not be tolerated. He even solicits you to help him. I like San Antonio. I have often said there are some wonderful people down here. Sadly there are a few board members that take this board way to seriously and lay claim to involvement. am I the only one who finds it interesting that inspector farqeer accuses me of bashing female board members and then does his very best to bash me? Can you say hypocrite? I knew you could.
While I have lots of time on my hands as I don't go to the fudgepacking meets but I will not create 10 pages of thought provoking COED threADS. But you can bet your ass I'm going to bump my threADS till he stops so board members can post and decide for them selves.
Thoughts of joining his cause? remember I've always been STILL LOOKING. Good or bad! I have not had to hide behind a new handle or handles because of my actions in the past. Inspector Farqeer talks about threADs from years back as if he lurked that long. We all know who he is and he isn't fooling anyone!
Guys & Gals if you don't like COED start a thread. Learn and have fun. But mostly don't take anything here to seriously.