Fasching and Lundi Gras

JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
The Germans celebrate Fasching in an interesting way. Same purpose - party hearty before Lent. But Lundi Gras is the big day in Germany, and it's the day all marriage vows are suspended for the day.

No joke? Marriage is suspended for a day? Do they still exercise this?
Getfuzzy's Avatar
Quite an interesting tid bit of info.....
biomed1's Avatar
In Germany,
  • Shrove Monday (Lundi Gras) is known as Rosenmontag,
  • Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras) is known as Fastnacht or Fetterdienstag
  • Ash Wednesday is known as Aschermittwoch
The Fasching Parades from Koln, Mainz and other large cities are broadcast on national television.

Fasching in Germany is very much an event that they look forward to each year.
