ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-17-2015, 09:21 PM

ECCIE will be down for server maintenance beginning on Thursday at 12am (Midnight). The outage is expected to last until sometime that morning.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. As with all system upgrades, we'll undoubtedly have some glitches but after those are worked out we should be bigger, better, faster, longer-lasting, more cuddly, etc.!!

Whispers's Avatar
How long? .... What will I do in the meantime?..... Surely SOME of us can stay logged in right?...... I can handle a couple or maybe three hours...... but surely we can wake up to familiar sites....



Who is getting bigger? Surely SOME here are big enough! I certainly am....

Longer Lasting? I'm OK with that....

Faster? Is this a new feature for response time from the providers?

I have too many in my life that like to cuddle..... Can we kill that option?

Back to how long?....

I get up at 6Am... Surely that will be OK...

It will be back by then right?


Talk to me Z!

Is this the end?

OMG... it's the end.....

where will we all go?

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-18-2015, 11:24 AM

I thought the same thing...what will some guys do during those excruciating hours that they can't troll eccie...
Whispers's Avatar

I thought the same thing...what will some guys do during those excruciating hours that they can't troll eccie... Originally Posted by Toyz

A Party? Perhaps we should all take refuge somewhere together.... guys...... ladies.... booze....... ya never know... this could be the start of the zombie apocalypse......
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-18-2015, 11:32 AM
this could be the start of the zombie apocalypse...... Originally Posted by Whispers
ECCIE OFFLINE PARTY...has a certain ring to it.

But I see the Zombie Apocalypse everyday when I read the reviews of the new WW girls.
GneissGuy's Avatar
All right then. Get together midnight tonight. North steps of the Capitol.

Show up naked so we will know you're part of the party. If you get questioned about it, just say it's a political statement and the capitol cops have to leave you alone. Trust me, my buddy who knows a lot about the law told me.

You are allowed licensed concealed carry on the capitol grounds, or open carry of long guns. [cough][cough]

The safe word will be "ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." Please pronounce it correctly or unspeakable horror could be released.

Actually, unspeakable horror is nearly guaranteed in any case.

Party runs till dawn or the dead begin rising from the grave.
A Party? Perhaps we should all take refuge somewhere together.... guys...... ladies.... booze....... ya never know... this could be the start of the zombie apocalypse...... Originally Posted by Whispers
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 02-18-2015, 09:08 PM
Just a reminder that the system will be going down for an extended maintenance outage in under 2 hours...

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-18-2015, 09:29 PM
Just a reminder that the system will be going down for an extended maintenance outage in under 2 hours...

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk
Who will have the last post?

Is this like the race to get the 9PM Hoogar slot on Sunday night?

What if eccie never comes back?

What will some of you do???
Will you survive???
Will you find other outlets???
Will you be able to sleep tonight thinking "what if this is over"?
Whispers's Avatar
Ok.... I got together with Still Looking late this afternoon and we purchased a copy of the software and spun up a backup site "just in case"......

Send him a PM and request the URL (he's such a control freak) and if you are on the list he will send it to you.....

Of COURSE there is a list....... We don't LIKE some of you!.... But the list DOES have several thousand names on it.... a few are even guys! (sorry.... no TS's) .... So don't worry... unless of course he doesn't respond to you.....

Anyway..... When ECCIE goes dark you can find us there..... He's migrated all his upcoming reviews and the last 90 days worth.......

For those of you already members of his private forum, your logins will work on the new site....

And remember.......

The first Rule of Club SL.... is no one talks about Club SL......
fun2come's Avatar
Finally I can sleep tonight
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-18-2015, 10:38 PM
Ok.... I got together with Still Looking late this afternoon and we purchased a copy of the software and spun up a backup site "just in case"......

Send him a PM and request the URL (he's such a control freak) and if you are on the list he will send it to you.....

Of COURSE there is a list....... We don't LIKE some of you!.... But the list DOES have several thousand names on it.... a few are even guys! (sorry.... no TS's) .... So don't worry... unless of course he doesn't respond to you.....

Anyway..... When ECCIE goes dark you can find us there..... He's migrated all his upcoming reviews and the last 90 days worth.......

For those of you already members of his private forum, your logins will work on the new site....

And remember.......

The first Rule of Club SL.... is no one talks about Club SL...... Originally Posted by Whispers

WWW.TwoOldFatGuysTalkAboutHos. org

Whispers's Avatar

WWW.TwoOldFatGuysTalkAboutHos. org

Originally Posted by Toyz
What the fuck Toyz? You understand now that we have to move the site as you were never supposed to out it....luckily the Programmer was able to remove the DNS links quickly....... and now we need to rename it....

You understand why you'll find yo are no longer able to log in.....

Fucking ungrateful bastard..... I don't understand you man..... SL had agreed to setting up the Cooking with Ho's Forum you asked for.....
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 02-18-2015, 10:48 PM
What the fuck Toyz? You understand now that we have to move the site as you were never supposed to out it....luckily the Programmer was able to remove the DNS links quickly....... and now we need to rename it....

You understand why you'll find yo are no longer able to log in.....

Fucking ungrateful bastard..... I don't understand you man..... SL had agreed to setting up the Cooking with Ho's Forum you asked for..... Originally Posted by Whispers

Damn...and I'm gonna miss so much. Especially the middle aged dick measuring contests... those are the best. Color me sad.

Can someone send me the results of the "Saggy Balls Smackdown"?

I'll hack my way in and appear incognito! My new handle will be ____________.
Whispers's Avatar
Damn...and I'm gonna miss so much. Especially the middle aged dick measuring contests... those are the best. Color me sad.

Can someone send me the results of the "Saggy Balls Smackdown"?

I'll hack my way in and appear incognito! My new handle will be ____________. Originally Posted by Toyz

I dislike those middle aged punks whipping it out all the time with a ruler the size of a comb ready as well....

Some of us old fucks have learned that the only size that matters has to do with the thinkness of the wallet.