In a pickle!

Happy Hour's Avatar
Howdy all, I have a dilemma and I am seeking some advice. A few years ago I had a horrible sinus infection which resulted in the loss of my ability to smell and to make matters worse, my ability to taste. So, how do I proceed, I would really like to spend some time with a quality companion but even quality companions I'm sure have hygiene issues that would normally be detected by somebody with an intact olfactory sense. And while I would remain blissfully unaware of any such problem with a companion, I fear of any consequence with DATY where an acute sense of smell would be very welcomed.

What to do? How to proceed?

Sniff test proxy service available?
yea... im sure your choice of handle will get you super far...
Sorry officer. I assert my right to remain silent. :O
cabletex7's Avatar
I bet there's an app for that.
Happy Hour's Avatar
yea... im sure your choice of handle will get you super far... Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
I just thought it was a funny name...."I fucked A Cop today", or when asked......what is your handle on eccie?......I'm A Cop!

C'mon it's funny.

Seriously though, what do I do with two senses gone?
ElumEno's Avatar
I just thought it was a funny name...."I fucked A Cop today", or when asked......what is your handle on eccie?......I'm A Cop!

C'mon it's funny.

Seriously though, what do I do with two senses gone? Originally Posted by A Cop
Even with a slight head cold my olfactory senses are working fine... and a troll I do smell.
burkalini's Avatar
Of the eight billion handle choices that might just be the stupidest one I have ever heard. Funny no stupid yes.
Start using a neti pot twice a day and find a GOOD acupuncture doctor. I think your smell will come back...I had horrible ear infections as a kid and the doctor said my ears would never produce wax again....WRONG
The most stupid handle ever. You are obviously receiving a warm welcome here. Are you stupid enough that you expected something different? If you think you've come to a place with a sense of humor about LE, think the fuck again. According to the law, we are all criminals here.
thebuffmantraples's Avatar
If there was ever a Handle not to touch!

Do you ever shower? Its hot to watch a sexy babe shower too.

Would you be willing to ask the mods for a handle rehash or you should!
Happy Hour's Avatar
If there was ever a Handle not to touch!

Do you ever shower? Its hot to watch a sexy babe shower too.

Would you be willing to ask the mods for a handle rehash or you should! Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
That sir is a perfect response, seriously thank you.
RedLeg505's Avatar
If there was ever a Handle not to touch!

Do you ever shower? Its hot to watch a sexy babe shower too.

Would you be willing to ask the mods for a handle rehash or you should! Originally Posted by thebuffmantraples
Since you've already been raked over the coals about the handle, I'll refrain. However, Buffman has a potential answer. Ask the lady to shower with you. Wash her well. DATY concerns should be alleviated.
I can't believe that no one has mentioned to just use a clothes pin and breathe with your mouth!
RedLeg505's Avatar
I can't believe that no one has mentioned to just use a clothes pin and breathe with your mouth! Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Well, since he has no sense of smell, clothes pin is definitely "optional".. not required
Happy Hour's Avatar
Since you've already been raked over the coals about the handle, I'll refrain. However, Buffman has a potential answer. Ask the lady to shower with you. Wash her well. DATY concerns should be alleviated. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
I did acknowledge him, and it is a perfect remedy to my problem.
