The calm before the storm? WAIT! DON'T FIX IT! Am I the only one that has noticed how damn fast and responsive the system has been for a the last hour or so?
How is it now? Let us know Originally Posted by St.Christopher
FAST!! OMG it would load so slow that often id just get annoyed and sign out. But damn near got whiplash this morning.Huh, what?
Great Job Guys! Originally Posted by Devon Derriere
Eccie site response picked up right before the upgrade and I attributed that to possible reduction in site traffic.(giggles like a virgin who just saw her first tallywhacker)... im in Tulsa darlin.
Post upgrade: Every click has loaded right away. In the past, I have stopped viewing all showcase pictures because loading was slow as molasses. In the last 10 minutes, I have browsed more showcases ( viewing all pictures) than I could in an hour.
Whiplash? I just caught a bad case of Computer Vision Syndrome looking at DD's showcase and website. Time to make travel plans to OKC.Originally Posted by Kawalski