and you know what, for all those out there writing false shit about me, GOO GET A FUCKING LIFE and stop with the bs. all you do is whine nd whine about how im not youre perfect little robot provider who did everything perfectly right I mean noooo of course she would never make a mistake. Well I do, of course, we all do. but to go around blasting me with false allegatioins, thats just wrong. I'm losing clientelle/potentisl clientelle, all because a few; seemingly boring people decided itd be fun to fuck with rosallia. Well its not fun, its stupid, and its childinsh and you ned to stop this right fucking now. Oh yeah and to all you fuckers who comment on a post or saying im a"butterface" pfffft dont make me laugh....i dont wanna sound vain here but have you seen my face? what did i do to make you dislike me so much, please im dying to know.
so you know what, keep posting these bullshit reviews or telling other members on here lies about me, doesnt phase me one bit, i mean i think its kinda cool to have my very own haters club, would anyone else like to join??? anyway, I'm gonna go back to MY life, and do what i do best., tomorrow there will be a new thread about how i have three tits and rainbows come out of my hoohaa lol....wait...that actually sounds kind of cool lol, bye bye,.