Going UTR for iowa, March is here...

It has come to the end of my time here in Iowa for alot of things....
March is about here and for this last part of Feb I will be traveling, leaving tomorrow.

I will no long be seeing any new clients, even the ones that have references...

I will no longer be taking appts under an Hour...

I will only be posting once a month and those donations will be all month...

Regular Clients that have remained loyal clients in keeping me entertained will be grandfathered in.

My other clients that I have only seen a time or two my donations are being highered and there will be no Haggling...

I will still tour Des Moines but it will only be everyother month or every few months...

Sorry this sucks but things are to slow here and people are just to flakey here, THE ONES that I have dealt with.

Hope to still play from time to time and hope things start getting better for my fellow providers and hobbiest....
Sterling Archer's Avatar

Sorry this sucks but things are to slow here and people are just to flakey here, THE ONES that I have dealt with.
Originally Posted by shayla84
You must have a degree in marketing. Nothing like alienating an entire state to help build your business.

To each their own. May have to defend Her a little, this state can Be kinda flaky I've been Told by a few girls, But for some it works out fine
There's no marketing strategy here, letting people know which I said I would a couple months ago...
A lot of guys that I get are newbies and people I haven't seen yet...
But thanks for the props...

And yes, I have had more NCNS in the 10 months playing here then I did in the two years playing in Tx, I've been threatened here, stalked, jipped out of money and some, so yes this state isn't or hasn't been a fun state for me. Not to mention now that weather should be getting nicer its time to start traveling and if people remember last summer time I was barely here ever, sooooooooooooooooo, i'm sorry sweets but Im not one of those provider that says something to get business and then doesn't do it, duh what would be the use in that when I have the means to travel and venture out and do what I got to do. I'm not a liar or a flaky person, I do and say what I mean and a lot of gents here don't like that or find it offensive, well that's your issue, I'm not gonna change who I am...
So again if you take this as a marketing strategy then sorry, although I do have my business degree, but this is not that.
Oh but I will still be around on the board time to time, you know just to talk shit lol