The generous gentlemen out there that show us or remind us how we ought to be treated, all of the time, don't get enough praise. You guys have both blessed me and cursed me, because of your generosity. They don't build men like they do some of you.
When a client brings you dinner and doesn't expect anything in return when he knows you are having a rough time, it means something. It means a lot actually. I've been very blessed with friendships, vacations, dinners, gifts, money for not even doing anything when I needed time off, huge allowances, shoulders to cry on, captain-save- a- hoe'd, etc. Even just a pm or an email to say hello- it means something. I know a lot of us ladies have been treated very well and with the utmost respect. It's not just me.
I've also been a shoulder to cry on. A friend to some of you I don't even see BCD. There's a few of you, that I don't even see BCD that know I have their back if they ever need me for anything. Like the time I brought one of your asses some soup and cold medicine when ya had the flu. I've been the listening ear to my home boys who were having girl problems. I've made some of you guys dinners etc. I never bought any of you a vacation, or given you a huge monthly allowance, but I certainly would, for a few of ya, if I had SL's money. Lol.
You guys set the bar really high. It makes us so much less tolerant of civvie guys which is good and bad, because our expectations become a lot higher. It teaches and/or reminds a lot of us what are time is worth and to respect ourselves. We are really spoiled and very lucky. So thank you to the generous men that make it worth staying in the hobby.
Jane Doe