All Welcome in Need of Non-Judgemental Spirituality

Church of the Fallen Angels
Home of the REAL Sinners
My name is Rev. Carla Holland-Strange and I would like to invite you to a Non-Religious, Non-Judgemental Spiritual Group... A place to come feel welcomed no matter who you are.
We don't care if your porn stars, escorts, dancers, addicts, felons, swingers, poly, TS", gay, nudists, or anything that might keep you out of a "normal" church type setting.... I have been all of those things and still some of them.
There will be music, food and great people..... All you have to be welcomed is a spiritual being that needs a fellowship of like others.
Meetings will be held on Sunday afternoons @2pm.. I am new at all of this and I really need volunteers and donations. Please be patient with me and we will have a loving Church Family in no time.
Cal for more info 702-496-3627