JustaGuy--Happy Birthday babe!!

DallasRain's Avatar
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 11-22-10:

-JustaGuyinMS (Age: hidden or unknown)

Happy Birthday!

luv ya!!!!!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
happy birthday babe
fejac_lovr's Avatar
Didn't I read somewhere in the forum rules that its mandatory you get a double with the 2VP's of ur choice on your birthday? Lol...go get em' JAG! Happy b'day!
tammy4u's Avatar
Happy Birthday!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
hope ya get all you deserve...lol!!!

bluffcityguy's Avatar
1 member is celebrating their birthday on 11-22-10:

-JustaGuyinMS (Age: hidden or unknown) Originally Posted by DallasRain
I have it on good authority that he's of an age older than Luke Skywalker when he left Tatooine, and younger than Yoda when we first meet him on Dagobah.

Have a great one, JaG!


bcg (feeling like a Star Wars geek today; so sue me)
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Thanks, everyone, but I'm not sure I'm younger than Yoda...LOL!

coast_encounter's Avatar
Happy B-Day JAG !!
Happy B Day JAG! Are you going to be celebrating tonight?
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
RM - sigh, not tonight. Soon, I hope.

tracerxxx's Avatar
Happy B-Day JaG hope ya' have a great day!!! & I'll buy ya' a drink at the m&g
Happy BirthdaY toooo You!!! Hope all your wishes come true when you Blow out your candles!!!
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Hmmm, Alisha, there's a candle you can help me with...heeheehee!

misterte52's Avatar
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday Jag and Yes I think Alisha could help you with your candle!
I'm sure I could... and a nice Birthday spanking to go with... lol Hope it's a good one for you!!!!