False ALERT! False. ALERT!

First I'd like to THANK everybody who reached out in WELCOME even after a FALSE alert was posted by a ONCE VALUED FRIEND! She, VIXEN GREEK GODDESS & her SPONSOR DEBRA GREEN used me & my pics to draw interest to they're PAGE, then VISCIOUSLY using my PERSONAL handle to post a concocted LIE to instill FEAR & RELUCTANCE to enjoy my skills to members by discrediting the security of contacting my PHONE! !WHY??FOR their GREEDY purposes!!! basically blocking all contact from any interested hobbist looking to meet with me this VICIOUS GREEK GODDESS GIA not only used my handle but impersonated me to falsely post threads but accomplished fooling us with lies in under the guise of FRIENDSHIP FOR MONETARY GAIN!!!BEWARE F SHE CAN TURN ON TRUSTED FRIEND OF 13YRS. WHAT KIND OF VICIOUSNESS IS SHE CAPABLE OF DOING. TO YOU?????THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED! !devastated by betrayal, in Paradise...
Chincho's Avatar
Chincho's Avatar
Mods tend to get pissy when you start outing people by using real names IJS...
Y'all are a mess.
Another dumb ass thread posted in the coed section.
Chincho's Avatar
Y'all are a mess. Originally Posted by NikkiWhite
That sounds like something my grandma would say, are you gonna bake me some cookies?
blasphemouse's Avatar
It's hella messy.
Is the OP saying she has another "personal" handle and VGG used it to slander the OP. I'm confused.
Is the OP saying she has another "personal" handle and VGG used it to slander the OP. I'm confused. Originally Posted by Louigi
Miss Debbie Green (their pimp) has access to several provider profiles.