Charlie Sheen does not play well with others!

SexyGabrielle's Avatar
I stumbled upon this news article about Charlie Sheen in yet another accusation of violence against a woman. This made me realize that he somehow forgot that having fun does not include knives of strangulation. LOL!
  • Chloe
  • 11-23-2010, 01:42 AM
So odd and things can be read from all views on this. This particular news story caught my eye a while ago for obvious reasons. I believe it to be both sides . . . an [staff edit by jymie; prohibited topic deleted] non-law abiding star and a popular hot young porn star hmmm. Game on??

Did she get cocky and decide to play him, lie about him being abusive and steal his watch?

Did he get cocky and play his star role up and decide he didn't have to pay her so he switched it up because she was lucky to be with him?

Was he all messed up on what he gets messed up on and went paranoid?

Is she using his star status to get money?

Maybe all or none of the above! I know FIRST hand what it's like to be blasted by someone cocky and famous so I am biased trying NOT to be biased. I think they are both messed . . .

On a personal vote . . . I'd fuck them both lol
stuckinsyracuse's Avatar
She was supposed to be paid an appearance fee. This was not an act of prostitution at all. If anyone watched GMA today or yesterday it was comical to see them sidestep the whole fiasco of why she was in his room.
jamesm637119's Avatar
Charlie Sheen
He is a silver spoon eating punk that needs his ass kicked, his show two and a half men sucks I would love to be in a room alone for 10 mins no make that a half an hour.He has all the money he needs and he still acks like a dun ass what a jurk.
As long as people are still willing to watch his shows, it sends the message that such outrageous behavior is condoned in our society if you are a "celebrity".
First of all...Im gonna speak my mind..if ya'll arent down with it..roll to the next post..cuz im putting it out there!!!!

.........I like the show..yeah yeah...haters come in droves to lite me up..whatever i dontcare.........

she stole a watch..he ripped her bag...all this coulda been handled with it being linked to the media....

guess that sall i gots to!!!!! alert the media!!!!!!!