What do you find the sexiest part of a body??

Hottassamelia's Avatar
This is a question for everyone...
What do you find the sexiest part of a body??

Mine would be the eyes..(pathway to your soul..)so sexy..
that little space just above the groin area,where that muscle and your leg meet...I just love that area...
I love big, manly hands. It's the feature I innocently fixate on during office meetings or casual bar settings that sends me into dirty fantasy world without warning. I imagine the rough fingertips against my soft skin, them tugging at my clothes, pulling my hair back and stroking my face during blowjobs, and sliding inside of me during...well, you get the picture.

Aside from that, broad chests with a good dose of chest hair as well as a strong jaw accented by weekend stubble. Maybe I ought to move up to Alaska and find myself a lumberjack.
First the eyes, brown eyes preferably, then the chest. Forget about huge biceps. I like a man with a broad chest. A man that can make me laugh gets me every time though.
dookiexp's Avatar
Legs! I just love legs especially wrapped around me.
Nothing gives me wood like a hot pair of legs AND feet.....I LOVE feet!!
For me it has to be a great big huge....smile, lol and the eyes for sure!!!
runningman022003's Avatar
Can't stop at just one.

Of course, the eyes and a good smile.

The curve of the back...especially with some long, sexy hair draped to one side.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-26-2010, 07:35 AM
Her mind.

... and tying for second place, in no particular order:
  • eyes
  • smile
  • legs
  • butt
  • bust
  • any exposed curvy soft part not mentioned above
1.)Big puppy dog eyes
3.)Big round ass covered in chocolate

I have a sweet tooth
1.)Big puppy dog eyes
3.)Big round ass covered in chocolate

I have a sweet tooth Originally Posted by CupOfJava
I think I have all of that covered...I even have the strawberry
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, her lips, and then the kiss.

I am with CM, love feet, that turns me on when I am out and about and I see a lovely lady, she can be wearing whatever, but when I see those lovely sexy feet in sandals, yea you can say wood start to happen.

squiretuck's Avatar
body shape
.... in that order. Yeah, my initial attraction when seeing ladies is physical. However, in terms of board presence, I have to move Brains to the top of the list. Dagney D.E.W., TopshelfTess, and SensualSophia drive me wild because I saw their posts before I ever saw them, and I've only seen Dagey D.E.W. in glimpses at one social, but her brains/board personality are the BOMB!

I hate getting into naming names because I just realized in rereading my post how many other sexy-brained women I should name that I have had the pleasure of their company. There should be at least eight more on my list here. The 3 above, I have yet to experience the pleasure of their personal company outside of a social event.
LuvThatKitty's Avatar
Wet kitty, boobs, erect nips, face, eyes, nose, hair, long legs in heels, long legs barefooted, feet, booty, hands, manicured nails, mouth, smile, small of the back, that little indent on the inner thigh, or whatever part of the female anatomy I am currently gazing upon.
Big Pimpin smiles, blinks his brown eyes, and twiddles some of the hair on his 56 inch chest with his 9 inch hands.

I like pretty, pedicured feet and a soft, demure smile. Yeah right, I like BIG fake boobs, bodacious protruding buttcheeks, a tight waist, toned, somewhat muscular legs and arms, big teased hair, too much makeup, and a bend me over and f*$k me hard attitude!
Joel Goodson's Avatar
A warm, inviting personality number one. (if she doesn't have that, nothing else that she may have can quite make up for it)

Big smile, cute butt, cute feet, those two dimples on a gal's lower back.

my shallow-minded turnoff: conspicuous facial hair.