If I wanted to move to another country...

I did get my health insurance at a much lower cost and a better plan. I will thank him for that and hope the courts or the republicans don't change that on me.

But I must admit that not only were any dreams of hope and change in my government dashed, but Obama has reversed himself on so many policies I am not happy with the rest of his presidency currently. Only in a parallel universe will we know if he was the lesser of two evils.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we have some transparency that strikes fear in the heart of American's and what they stand for. The domestic spying via the dragnet style of information gathering is ripe for abuse and is already being abused by local police for warrant-less wire tapping.

Except for the Affordable Care act which I directly benefited from, I am very disheartened by the state of our our government and more specifically it leaders in all the different branches. The extremely stupid and wacko legislators simply prove elections are bought and it is so hard to fathom these people got elected in their various districts and even worse, re-elected.

If I wanted to move to another country that didn't have such stupid officials and stupid laws, where is the ideal place to pick up and move to if one has the money to retire on or at least live comfortably until I re-establish a new business elsewhere? a hobby tolerant country would be preferred. I don't want to spend ridiculous amounts of time in jail and get caned just because I got horny.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Costa Rica
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you're okay with NSA spying on Americans, IRS targeting citizens because of politics, the price of electricity going up because of regulations against coal and oil, the price of meat going up because of the price of gasoline, the price of gasoline going up because the number of permits for drilling on PUBLIC land has gone down and all the rigs were run out of the Gulf of Mexico after the BP leak, that we traded away five top officers in Al Queada for one deserter, that the US allowed four Americans to die in Benghazi, and that the administration lied to the American people in order to win an election. You're okay with all of that because you have a TEMPORARY rate decrease in your health insurance (the others be damned who had to spend more).
  • DSK
  • 03-18-2015, 05:30 AM

I did get my health insurance at a much lower cost and a better plan. I will thank him for that and hope the courts or the republicans don't change that on me.

But I must admit that not only were any dreams of hope and change in my government dashed, but Obama has reversed himself on so many policies I am not happy with the rest of his presidency currently. Only in a parallel universe will we know if he was the lesser of two evils.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we have some transparency that strikes fear in the heart of American's and what they stand for. The domestic spying via the dragnet style of information gathering is ripe for abuse and is already being abused by local police for warrant-less wire tapping.

Except for the Affordable Care act which I directly benefited from, I am very disheartened by the state of our our government and more specifically it leaders in all the different branches. The extremely stupid and wacko legislators simply prove elections are bought and it is so hard to fathom these people got elected in their various districts and even worse, re-elected.

If I wanted to move to another country that didn't have such stupid officials and stupid laws, where is the ideal place to pick up and move to if one has the money to retire on or at least live comfortably until I re-establish a new business elsewhere? a hobby tolerant country would be preferred. I don't want to spend ridiculous amounts of time in jail and get caned just because I got horny. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
What else does Obama need to give you to get you to stay?
I always likes Italy.
this shows up the difference in stark contrast

I have often heard dims remark about and wonder why do these people vote against their own interest, "these" meaning middle class conservative voters, as if we too should vote ourselves a paycheck and benefits

conversely, I have always wondered how a segment of dim voters could vote for their own interests and be "me first-ers" when it hurts the country

I say a segment because the dim party is made up of master manipulators, swami's, radical environmentalists, anti-capitalists, racial disharmonizers and all manner of anti-americans, in addition to the me-first-er types
Don't forget you can get married to your life partner now.

Obamacare has sent my insurance premiums, co pays and deductibles through the roof. When the elevated tax kicks in next year, there will be significant political blowback even in the states are benefiting from it (like California).

I asked this back in 2008, what specifically did Obama promise that he has not delivered to you?

I don't even remember him promising to install a single payer system.

Hope isn't a strategy, change isn't a plan.

If you leave, which I hope you don't, take some Democrats with you. Perhaps they will fundamentally change another country.
So you're okay with NSA spying on Americans, IRS targeting citizens because of politics, the price of electricity going up because of regulations against coal and oil, the price of meat going up because of the price of gasoline, the price of gasoline going up because the number of permits for drilling on PUBLIC land has gone down and all the rigs were run out of the Gulf of Mexico after the BP leak, that we traded away five top officers in Al Queada for one deserter, that the US allowed four Americans to die in Benghazi, and that the administration lied to the American people in order to win an election. You're okay with all of that because you have a TEMPORARY rate decrease in your health insurance (the others be damned who had to spend more). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
no. that is not what i said. I am very unhappy with the domestic spying and many other broken promises. Nor did come to do battle over the minutiae over whose fault was exactly whose in some of those situations.
no. that is not what i said. I am very unhappy with the domestic spying and many other broken promises. Nor did come to do battle over the minutiae over whose fault was exactly whose in some of those situations. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
Don't even try to have a convo with JDJIZZYNUTS. You can't fix stupid.
no. that is not what i said. I am very unhappy with the domestic spying and many other broken promises. Nor did come to do battle over the minutiae over whose fault was exactly whose in some of those situations. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
You have your question answered at post #3, you won't have it any other way for asking the WRONG question HERE.

Just wondering if you feel remorseful now....
If you wanted an answer to your question; and didn't want to get into the weeds on political minutiae, perhaps repost this thread with the Sandbox or Diamonds and Tuxedo crowd?

Just saying...............

no. that is not what i said. I am very unhappy with the domestic spying and many other broken promises. Nor did come to do battle over the minutiae over whose fault was exactly whose in some of those situations. Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
TheDaliLama's Avatar
this shows up the difference in stark contrast

I have often heard dims remark about and wonder why do these people vote against their own interest, "these" meaning middle class conservative voters, as if we too should vote ourselves a paycheck and benefits

conversely, I have always wondered how a segment of dim voters could vote for their own interests and be "me first-ers" when it hurts the country

I say a segment because the dim party is made up of master manipulators, swami's, radical environmentalists, anti-capitalists, racial disharmonizers and all manner of anti-americans, in addition to the me-first-er types Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Excellent post
Excellent post Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It's simple human nature.