Make it rain..............Democrats show their hostility to the American people.
The Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration has repeatedly warned that illegal immigrants are collecting billion of dollars in refundable tax credits to which they are not legally entitled. This outrageous situation can be corrected rather easily, by requiring tax filers to supply a valid Social Security number in order to claim the Additional Child Tax Credit. Today in the Senate Budget Committee, Jeff Sessions proposed an amendment that would do exactly that, thereby saving American taxpayers billions of dollars that are flowing improperly to illegal aliens.

Incredibly, the ten Democrats on the committee voted in lockstep to keep the illegal money flowing.
LexusLover's Avatar
They should if they are going to make it mandatory for them to vote!

Actually, before they get their check they ought to be required to produce a voting receipt!

They should if they are going to make it mandatory for them to vote!

Actually, before they get their check they ought to be required to produce a voting receipt! Originally Posted by LexusLover
  • DSK
  • 03-20-2015, 07:31 AM
They should if they are going to make it mandatory for them to vote!

Actually, before they get their check they ought to be required to produce a voting receipt! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm sure they would make that mandatory if they thought they could get away with that.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm sure they would make that mandatory if they thought they could get away with that. Originally Posted by DSK
Who is "they"...?

King Obaminable can just "sign off on it!!!!!

He let them stay. He's paying them with our money.

Make them vote!!!! And hopefully in 2016 they'll vote for Obaminable!!!!!!
Another whirlagay's circle jerks.
Your Snopes link is regarding some "bonus" bullshit......

The vote that took place (see video) was to close a tax loophole that made illegals qualify for Child Tax Credits.

You post a link that has nothing to do with the vote that took place in yesterday's Budget Committee meeting.

Your link is a weak attempt to deflect with something irrelevant.

Both the Treasury Inspector General and the liberal Politifact have determined that the Tax Loophole exists.

Complete bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
Complete bullshit. Originally Posted by timpage
The way I read your link is that if a illegal was paying taxes, then he could file for the exact same treatment under the tax code as any US Citizen or legal resident would have, after the new policy was implemented.

I agree with many critics in that this is a type of "reward", giving those that chose to stay illegal the same benefits as those who obeyed our laws and went through the proper process.

And what about the thousands and thousands of illegals who have not paid taxes, or at least have not paid their fair share. Should the Government go back seven years and ascertain just how much they earned, and send them a audit notice saying that they owe taxes, (and SS withholding), on all of the money they earned for the seven years prior to their becoming legal?

Many illegals work on construction sites and other labor intensive jobs where often paid in cash. This brings up the culpability of the employers who exploited this. Should the Government put forth a effort to find out exactly who was working these illegals, and go after them?

Of course, the answer is no. That doesn't fit into the plan that the Democrats have cooked up to insure that the future Hispanic Population's vote will always be in the Democrat's back pocket.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whor-LIE-turd is lying again?

nawwww, REALLY?

when was the last time you didn't post a fabrication, or, what do you calllyour LIES? Oh yeah, ediitorialization?

What do you call the endless posting of lies, spin and "editorialization" in high frequency?

I call it

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What part of "illegal" don't they understand?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
---- Originally Posted by Whirlaway
That's a fucking LIE, too!

Keep in mind; these illegals are claiming benefits using phony/stolen social security numbers. The legislation is intended to put a stop to that practice; a simple correction to the law, REQUIRING ANYONE FILING TO USE A VALID SS NUMBER! But you anti American open border nuts don't want that to occur.
LexusLover's Avatar
Excellent. But ...

... someone while whine that it is a violation of their "rights to privacy"...

.... to require them to show a valid SS number.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Keep in mind; these illegals are claiming benefits using phony/stolen social security numbers. The legislation is intended to put a stop to that practice; a simple correction to the law, REQUIRING ANYONE FILING TO USE A VALID SS NUMBER! But you anti American open border nuts don't want that to occur. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Prove that, you deluded fucking liar.

Where did anybody say that anybody should be allowed to falsify SSNs?

You're lying again and again, Whir-LIE-turd. Shame on you, nut job!