Clean your room/incall and guys also

I have read 4 reviews in the past couple of days that said the incall they went to was dirty and disgusting and smelled like a landfill..

Ok gals, please take note, us guys do not want to walk into a disgusting incall. Dont leave dirty dishes with food on them for us to see.
Please if you smoke try not to make the room seem like the Bingo Parlor 20 years ago..

If you have pets, use air freshener..

I am pretty sure most of yall know how to clean up after yourself, nothing is more of a turn off to walk into a dump that you are scared to even sit down. let alone have playtime on the bed.....

and yes this also goes for guys too, make sure if you invite a gal over, tiddy up a bit,,..

have fun!!!
Joel Goodson's Avatar
A dead giveaway is when the background of her photos looks worse than my teenage bedroom! lol
nuglet's Avatar
I won't do it and you can't make me!
Yessir, I couldn't agree more. I've walked into some train wrecks of incalls before. Last time there was crayon or marker on every wall of the apartment. Seriously, if she wasn't fucking hot I would have walked right out

I have actually been pretty lucky and have not been to a dirty incall in years... however I have been to a few that I was scared to touch anything and yes the girl was very attractive so my little head did all the thinking...
peaceful one's Avatar
Sir Hardin Thicke's Avatar
Is that a turd floating in there????
Hottassamelia's Avatar
ahhh..that picture never gets old.....too funny...
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
Originally Posted by HoustonLynn

Oh My!!!! That's so bad!! I have been to some outcall appointments that the place is super duper clean but, hit the bathroom and the potties at the fair are cleaner!! Great thread!!! Everyone remember to quit being so lazy and clean it up!!!

~Kisses Jen
That must be Monica Foxx's incall!!! This is proof that the power dump DID happen!! Now we gotta get Horatio Cane's crew in there to get the DNA we need to finally expose and resolve the infamous Power Dump Hobbyiest scandal!!!
I've heard some horror stories!
That must be Monica Foxx's incall!!! This is proof that the power dump DID happen!! Now we gotta get Horatio Cane's crew in there to get the DNA we need to finally expose and resolve the infamous Power Dump Hobbyiest scandal!!! Originally Posted by TheCandyMan

oh how I miss Monica Fox...she was witty and sassy...
Parsifal's Avatar
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen in my think that pic actually made it out; can you imagine if anyone actually still went over to see her after that????

Good Lord, I needed a laugh today and that was it!
Girls and Guys(that have a nasty place), thats just nasty to have a dump of a joint to come to. I am such a neat freak the slightest thing out of place drives me bonkers!!!
stretchtexas's Avatar
the cat lover that doesn't care for their pet(s) is the worst. the smell of a litter box that hasn't been cleaned in two months will peel the paint off the walls!