"The Horny List" Borrowed from Dallas Coed

Eccie Addict's Avatar
So I know how we all love " Lists " her in Houston so when I followed a link in one of our posters here it took me to this thresd. It made me want to ask the ladies here what they thought about it and if they do it much. I have been the recipient of a few late nite booty calls from a provider and yes it is definitely an ego booster to say the least. Really any booty call is an ego booster lol.

Le's hear everyone's thoughts on this


The 'Horny List'
Ladies - Have you ever been extremely horny in the middle of the day? With no one scheduled to see you until later in the evening, or the next day? That primal 'feeling' flushes over you like you could just really use some good lovin...and like...NOW!!!!!
Have you (or do you) try to get in touch with your favorite ATF client & ask him to come service you??
If so, do you have a list of 'potentials' that you would call in case of an emergency like this? A short list ...or a "HORNY LIST"??

Guys - Have you had this type of "off the clock" request before from a provider?? How did that go?

Its a cool idea I was just checking that one out myself last night.lol But my problem is I rarely see a woman more than twice. I get bored quickly or she just has the same old routine. Of course if she were to call me up on a booty call that'd be a different story I suppose.
macksback's Avatar
No but one gave the money back.
kerwil62's Avatar
Civilians - yes.

A few strippers - yes.

Providers - no. Got some PM and email hello's, that's about it.
None, whatsoever
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Seriously ICM??? I thought for sure you would have. Dang.
1of3500's Avatar
Is there a place where we can put our name on a list?
I guess that would be fine if there was no donation involved.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Is there a place where we can put our name on a list? Originally Posted by 1of3500
Right!!! lol

I guess that would be fine if there was no donation involved. Originally Posted by ibechill
Are you commenting on what he said? Or you mean it's cool if they call you for a late night booty call is cool as long as it's a freebie. I think that's what they meant.
AshrDashr's Avatar
So, I was checking out the Dallas thread on this the other day and it was a good read. I wondered why a guy who did get booty called would out himself and take a chance of getting bumped off that list. Guess it's for braggin rights.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
The ones that did I am appreciative of it and there is no way I would divulge who it was. This is not bragging. I just thought it was a cool topic and wanted to bring it here.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 11-26-2010, 06:13 PM
I won't say who but one time and one time only this did happen to me was in the last few months too. Needless to say I was pretty proud of myself lol.
Rcoop361's Avatar
Apparently it's a sore spot now here in Dallas, being I reviewed a horny list session, And it's very funny watching the WKs trying to bury the review on BabyDollSnow. They are bumping over 30 day old threads left and right
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I won't say who but one time and one time only this did happen to me was in the last few months too. Needless to say I was pretty proud of myself lol. Originally Posted by trey
Is it just me or doesn't it seem to boost your ego more when a provider calls you like that lol.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Apparently it's a sore spot now here in Dallas, being I reviewed a horny list session, And it's very funny watching the WKs trying to bury the review on BabyDollSnow. They are bumping over 30 day old threads left and right Originally Posted by Rcoop361
See I would never review a freebie session ever. I don't think that's right cause you know every tom dick and harry is gonna ask the lady for one too. But hey good for you