What do u do when a member here is crazy and starts threatening with court, saying his whores are watching me and threatening to call cps to expose me doing this for $.. just to start trouble? You can find the details in the sandbox forum under opportunies for dubai. ..but this has gotten waaayy out of control! Too much drama...when I made an honest attempt to do a makeup session....now I dont want anything to do with him after all the crazy psyco text messages!
If its your phone phone, not a throwaway, block him. Iphones can do it automatically, androids require an app. If its a throwaway? Screwed.hi,
But yeah, ignore him, Anything you respond with now fuels the crazy inside him that makes him think you want to be BFF or RLGF. That's how crazy works!
Give him the money back. Go to the local store of your choosing, buy a blue+yellow dot money order and PM, text him, and email him the code. He can go to the site and get his fucking money back. There is no need for you to meet him. If he is threatening you or harassing you, he may actually cause you physical harm.
Androids, depends on the phone. I can block from my contact list on my phone. I would ignore him, do as Simon says, get the green dot and be done with it. Good luck hun.
Thanks everyone ill do the green dot and be done with it..god willing but yes im switching phones to the iphone next week so then it will be easier to block him ...
Yes he knows not to do this. ..but telling me that I should start carrying a gun hmmm on my private # yeah that im saving just in case ..
Originally Posted by Blondie xxx
That merits a call to the police and a restraining order.