Ladies! There is Strength in Numbers. Especially when information needs to be shared. But at times those numbers are used to intimidate as well as harm.

Whispers's Avatar
Having a common adversary can create the strangest of allies.

Over the last 15 years I've been involved in bringing a variety of issues to the board for discussion that have involved the actions of some high profile hobbyists, agencies, pimps and MODs and at times stories of how they were misusing or mistreating ladies or others here on ECCIE and on ASPD before it.

Austin has a problem that directly affects us all that involves two different groups of men with overlapping memberships.

One is known as OPEC. Headed up by Rock1Man1 with Toyz as it's most vocal advocate. OPEC are the guys out to contact and talk ladies down in price to what they can afford or feel is the right price .....

Another group is known as the AustinBareBackers.... These are the guys that desire Bare Back Sex and seek it out from you all. They not only share information on who but how to go about getting you to engage in BareBack including techniques to accomplish it without your permission.....

With both groups their assumed power lies in the number of active members they have, which is well on the way to 200 with each group, and the assumed anonymity of their actions as individuals which is actually more coordinated than you would guess.

There is a third smaller group I will not mention yet who's desires and actions are a bit more nefarious than the first two that have made their existence known here many times before…..

One thing they count on is that you ladies seem to not be as keen on looking out for each other as you could. Be it competition or prior history from when no one was around to help you, it tends to be common that when something hits the public eye it tends to degrade to personal attacks on you.

Every once in a while one or two of you determine you are strong enough to step up and weather the storm. When doing so it is often a decision born in emotion and truthfully comes ill prepared. It results in ridicule at times and others choose not to get involved.

These same guys that are out to manipulate you into services you do not provide and rates you do not offer include men that are jealous and envious of others that have more money and pay the rates you set or men that have resources to see ladies they cannot.

As they have decided to attack some of us, your adversaries have become ours as well……

The problem was one ignored for years but over the last year or more they have organized on other sites, taking and sharing material from here and planning together how to use it to their advantage and have started “flexing their muscle” lately in their attacks on the board as well as behind the scenes on some of guys that do not agree with them. I ended up being one of them they have chose to attack because of the questions I asked.

A few of us are looking at bringing this all to light….. Lists exist and are shared of the ladies that bareback and/or are OPEC friendly…..Others are frequently named as providing discounts that are not mentioned here on ECCIE….. YOU thought it was private…. HE’s sharing it afterwards……

But have you seen the lists of the guys that post as the nicest coolest guys here and what they have to say about you in other places? Have you wanted to see the playing field evened out a little?

If so we want to hear from you…..

If you have been approached by anyone waiving the OPEC banner or referred to OPEC being able to help you in any unwelcome manner we want to hear the story…. Especially if you felt pressured to provide a rate in exchange for a positive review…… Share their names…..

Let me clarify that I don’t believe it is WRONG to ask a provider for a lowered rate. I do believe it is WRONG to try to intimidate you into it in some manner or promise you something in return that is not delivered. Most of this goes unmentioned because of the perception of the numbers of supporters that person might have....

If you have had a member from here contact you insisting he knew you were bare backing or that others said they were bare backing you we want to hear the story.

If you have ANY CONCERNS in how you are treated BCD by ANY members here, we want to hear the story.

You can tell it, anonymously if you like, by emailing us at

In the subject line of your email put “Share” or “Info Only”… You can tell us who you are or you can make up a name…. Use a new address you design for the purpose if you like…. A Yahoo Group will be formed to accumulate all your stories and you will be allowed/encouraged to join… We are seeking a couple of ladies that want to be involved in verifying information as well as discussing what should be shared on the board. Control of the Yahoo Group will be passed to those ladies.

As the title says… There is Strength in Numbers….. Some of these guys have been using that for a while to manipulate you…… Probably in ways you might not know….. Often with lies…..

Some are known to be loud and perceived to be influential...... Well..... I can be pretty loud myself...... and will be lending my voice to the cause....

hen your story matches the story of another lady we hope to have a lady involved that will reach out to all with matching stories for verification. When the stories match and/or are verified, if you told your story with the subject as “share” you will be made aware of others that share a similar story about the same guy.....….. Once again…. This will all be anonymous if you choose…. WE do not need to know who you are….

When stories are matched they will be summarized and posted to the board. YOU will not be the one that takes the heat….. We will do that for you…..

Why this? Why now?

Ask Toyz, Rock1Man1, dante0322, NativeTx78 or gleemonex…..

They will surely have an opinion……
oh my god. Speechless. Well, almost. If you guys want to bicker publicly, go ahead and do so, but quit using the ladies on this board to do it. God damn.
Still Looking's Avatar
Oh My it's going get real nasty up in here.... IJS

Whispers's Avatar
[QUOTE=chelseabean;1056548653]oh my god. Speechless./QUOTE]

Oh My it's going get real nasty up in here.... Originally Posted by Still Looking
I asked a couple of questions regarding their attacks on another member and in turn was attacked myself.....

People living in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.....

Especially at the kind of guys that never react proportionately.......

Give a few days to build a huge pile of rocks..and gather a few to lend a hand...... then we can play....
Still Looking's Avatar
oh my god. Speechless./QUOTE]

I asked a couple of questions regarding their attacks on another member and in turn was attacked myself.....

People living in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.....

Especially at the kind of guys that never react proportionately.......

Give a few days to build a huge pile of rocks..and gather a few to lend a hand...... then we can play.... Originally Posted by chelseabean

You hear that noise? Asses puckering?
Kinda hypocritical to comment that you all are being attacked when you guys are constantly attacking and degrading EVERYONE who doesn't bow down to you. Not to mention that theres a few of you that have made it to the point where girls are to scared to even post in the coed area which is crazy and they shouldn't feel that way.
So YES you're right, those who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones, or in your case boulders.
Whispers's Avatar
Kinda hypocritical to comment that you all are being attacked when you guys are constantly attacking and degrading EVERYONE who doesn't bow down to you.

I require no one to bow down to me and there are hundreds of ladies that have posted to the Austin forums that I never have a word for. I have clearly stated my issues with you but nothing about those issues are similar in nature to this.

The difference between the "attacks" on me and others at the moment tends to lie in the truth involved with them. I am neither a Pimp nor have I worked to raise and fix prices of pussy in Austin.

Not to mention that theres a few of you that have made it to the point where girls are to scared to even post in the coed area which is crazy and they shouldn't feel that way.

I agree..... There are a few that are strong and get passed it... Others do not..... Most simply need nothing from CoEd.

So YES you're right, those who live in glass houses shouldn't through stones, or in your case boulders. Originally Posted by shayla84

I need to build a catapult with which to sling the boulders.... but yes.. I think a few will get tossed.....

Being a hypocrite Shayla would be for me to run and cry and whine for help from staff to deal with the big bad bullies that are picking on me. I am not telling them not to nor am I suggesting they stop. Simply that we stick to truth and not fabrication.....

Before you or others get the impression that I am upset or hurt by this please let me reassure you this is more of a "Well WoW!!!! This just interesting... This could be fun!"

I need to build a catapult with which to sling the boulders.... but yes.. I think a few will get tossed.....

Being a hypocrite Shayla would be for me to run and cry and whine for help from staff to deal with the big bad bullies that are picking on me. I am not telling them not to nor am I suggesting they stop. Simply that we stick to truth and not fabrication.....Im assuming here but you mean your guys truth, as you have fabricated many times a couple things about me and I have repeated corrected you and you still did it. These truths that you call it are your guys, not anyone elses, theres always two sides to a story which I think is the favorite line here when ANYONE gets in trouble or has issues, so Again these are ya'lls truths, not necessarily what is really going on. And pls if were trying to protect the girls why not bring into light the group of guys that mention shit about the little bitches that are squealing to guys about whats said in the womans area, Thats the most important here, and we girls are supposed to be grown, nobody can MAKE you change your donations its very easy to say no!!

Before you or others get the impression that I am upset or hurt by this please let me reassure you this is more of a "Well WoW!!!! This just interesting... This could be fun!"
If the guys werent so Butt Hurt there wouldnt be like 5 threads complaining and talking shit to eachother and then another thread popping up, sounds ass hurt to me and just trying to cover it up by saying your not, but actions speak louder then words!!!
Whispers's Avatar
I need to build a catapult with which to sling the boulders.... but yes.. I think a few will get tossed.....

Being a hypocrite Shayla would be for me to run and cry and whine for help from staff to deal with the big bad bullies that are picking on me. I am not telling them not to nor am I suggesting they stop. Simply that we stick to truth and not fabrication.....Im assuming here but you mean your guys truth, as you have fabricated many times a couple things about me and I have repeated corrected you and you still did it. These truths that you call it are your guys, not anyone elses, theres always two sides to a story which I think is the favorite line here when ANYONE gets in trouble or has issues, so Again these are ya'lls truths, not necessarily what is really going on. And pls if were trying to protect the girls why not bring into light the group of guys that mention shit about the little bitches that are squealing to guys about whats said in the womans area, Thats the most important here, and we girls are supposed to be grown, nobody can MAKE you change your donations (talking about OPEC) its very easy to say no!!

Before you or others get the impression that I am upset or hurt by this please let me reassure you this is more of a "Well WoW!!!! This just interesting... This could be fun!"
If the guys werent so Butt Hurt there wouldnt be like 5 threads complaining and talking shit to eachother and then another thread popping up, sounds ass hurt to me and just trying to cover it up by saying your not, but actions speak louder then words!!! Originally Posted by shayla84

Often Shayla, one of the sides presented IS the truth and the other party saying it isn't so does not make it not.

This is proving t be an example of what I've told you before..... I do not seek you out.... but when you inject yourself into things or try to spin them into something that is not about you, you tend to lose.

Now I have other things to deal with but if you truly desire attention I will find some time for you in a while....

This message is for the ladies isnt it ????
Am I mistaken ????
Am what I saying making YOUR asshole pucker????
This is to supposedly let the girls know the 411 on some of the guys right ???
I mean I would shy away like you make alot of girls but theres nothing you can do or say to me that will hurt my feelings or make me lose business, and like you say you DONT wanna see me so I have no fear of losing you as a client, so whats the problem here.

Just like you guys I saw something and I voiced my opinion, just like you guys do allllllllllllllllll the time, whether its a review you dont like, or its a girl you dont like that posts a thread, or if someone sticks up for themselves, you and a few others def have an opinion on EVERYTHING so I am figuring I would have the same right and so do others, am I wrong ????
Or do some of us need to gather some finances up and make a large donation to eccie to be heard and respected on here as well!!!
Please inquiring minds would like to know.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
It seems that we are not allowed to state our opinion or contradict a few people or we will be bashed or retaliated against. Shayla, if you look at Whispers signature line you will see my name there so you can see specifically some of the people he is trying to get info on. Isn't this also against the rules?

So you are also feeling his wrath which others such as myself have been dealing with. If we don't conform to their rules then we have to deal with this. You can read all the posts in CoEd. Others of us are tired of the bashing and retaliation. There is a difference between having a discussion and what this is.

As for me, I've seen you more than once and don't care what they think and will see whom I want.

This message is for the ladies isnt it ????
Am I mistaken ????
Am what I saying making YOUR asshole pucker????
This is to supposedly let the girls know the 411 on some of the guys right ???
I mean I would shy away like you make alot of girls but theres nothing you can do or say to me that will hurt my feelings or make me lose business, and like you say you DONT wanna see me so I have no fear of losing you as a client, so whats the problem here.

Just like you guys I saw something and I voiced my opinion, just like you guys do allllllllllllllllll the time, whether its a review you dont like, or its a girl you dont like that posts a thread, or if someone sticks up for themselves, you and a few others def have an opinion on EVERYTHING so I am figuring I would have the same right and so do others, am I wrong ????
Or do some of us need to gather some finances up and make a large donation to eccie to be heard and respected on here as well!!!
Please inquiring minds would like to know. Originally Posted by shayla84
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Whispers do me the favor and take my name off of your signature line!
Whispers's Avatar
This message is for the ladies isnt it ???? Yes...

Am I mistaken ???? No....

Am what I saying making YOUR asshole pucker???? LMAO... Absolutely not.

This is to supposedly let the girls know the 411 on some of the guys right ???

No. Perhaps if you spent a little time reading and comprehending instead of rushing to show ignorance you might have a chance to understand. So far 3 girls have undersood exactly what this is about. The purpose of this thread is to provide an avenue for ladies afraid to speak out publicly regarding guys forcing bareback or guys trying to intimidate girls into lowering prices out of fear of repercussions to their business if they do not or promise and do not deliver something in exchange for lowered prices... In each of the 3 cases the ladies named the guy as well as described exactly what was done. 1 name mentioned has already been verified by another lady. Eventually all that information will get summarized and then presented to the ladies in separate thread or an alert.

I mean I would shy away like you make alot of girls but theres nothing you can do or say to me that will hurt my feelings or make me lose business, and like you say you DONT wanna see me so I have no fear of losing you as a client, so whats the problem here.

No Problem Shalya other than you are clueless....

Just like you guys I saw something and I voiced my opinion, just like you guys do allllllllllllllllll the time, whether its a review you dont like, or its a girl you dont like that posts a thread, or if someone sticks up for themselves, you and a few others def have an opinion on EVERYTHING so I am figuring I would have the same right and so do others, am I wrong ????

You certainly have that right.

Or do some of us need to gather some finances up and make a large donation to eccie to be heard and respected on here as well!!!

You really shouldn't listen to people more clueless than yourself. It colors your opinions and allows them to manipulate you.

Please inquiring minds would like to know. Originally Posted by shayla84

What would they like to know?
Whispers do me the favor and take my name off of your signature line! Originally Posted by dante0322
Haha haha haha haha OMG haha haha
Thanks for the laugh.
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers do me the favor and take my name off of your signature line! Originally Posted by dante0322


I checked the "favor bank" and you have nothing on deposit..... Then I considered the goodwill bank and you had nothing there...... You do seem to have dividends building in the Bank of Envious and Jealous that will pay out upon maturity though....

You have chosen to go on a crusade and try to spin things into something they were not. I would not want you to not have the credit due you when the time comes for the result of all this to get played out.....