Elizabeth Warren Destroys Reagonomics in One Minute!

Wow! This one is short and to the point:


"The game is rigged in congress".
Wow! This one is short and to the point:


"The game is rigged in congress". Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Ole Pocahontas is just your typical "Limousine Liberal", sitting up in her Ivory Tower making pronouncements.

Just like our current President, she doesn't have a clue what's going on out here in the real world.

That dumbass little twerp in the video doesn't realize that if the Clintons ever sense she is a threat, they will invicerate her.

It's just what they do.
Ole Pocahontas is just your typical "Limousine Liberal", sitting up in her Ivory Tower making pronouncements.

Just like our current President, she doesn't have a clue what's going on out here in the real world.

That dumbass little twerp in the video doesn't realize that if the Clintons ever sense she is a threat, they will invicerate her.

It's just what they do. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just another uninformative "spam reply"! Just keep ignoring what's really going on my friend. See where it gets you. No man's land!
Just another uninformative "spam reply"! Just keep ignoring what's really going on my friend. See where it gets you. No man's land! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
  • shanm
  • 03-30-2015, 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
That's the wrong use of the meme you dirt-choked dingleberry.

It's especially retarded considering your overt fascination with irrelevant pictures. SLOOOOOBBBRIIIN
lustylad's Avatar
That's the wrong use of the meme you dirt-choked dingleberry.

It's especially retarded considering your overt fascination with irrelevant pictures. SLOOOOOBBBRIIIN Originally Posted by shanm

Careful, assup. You're letting the mask slip....
That's the wrong use of the meme you dirt-choked dingleberry.

It's especially retarded considering your overt fascination with irrelevant pictures. SLOOOOOBBBRIIIN Originally Posted by shanm
Don't you love to do a lot of name calling, without any intelligent backing! Sorry for you. Too bad you must resort to primative measures in order to make yourself more noticed. I would call that "low self esteem" or bullying.
Ole Pocahontas is just your typical "Limousine Liberal", sitting up in her Ivory Tower making pronouncements.

Just like our current President, she doesn't have a clue what's going on out here in the real world.

That dumbass little twerp in the video doesn't realize that if the Clintons ever sense she is a threat, they will invicerate her.

It's just what they do. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I see everything exactly as it is, so your post is "moot". You extreme right wings or "neo-conservatists" do not realize what you are presently up against. . .the people of this Nation, the real patriots. . ."we, the people"!!!
RedLeg505's Avatar
you are presently up against. . .the people of this Nation, the real patriots. . ."we, the people"!!! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Just like we were up against ... the people of this Nation, the real patriots... that voted BUSH into office TWICE?
  • shanm
  • 03-30-2015, 10:09 PM
Don't you love to do a lot of name calling, without any intelligent backing! Sorry for you. Too bad you must resort to primative measures in order to make yourself more noticed. I would call that "low self esteem" or bullying. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Or.....how about you shut the fuck up?

I am a liberal. The reason I don't comment on your posts/threads is because you make us all look like fucktards with your idiotic irrelevant youtube videos. Have you ever contributed a single original thought to this board? For fucks sake. The only reason i don't rail on you is because you're "technically" on my side. In truth, you're exactly like all these conservative idiots except that you ended up on the right side.

The lane for the retards with less than 5 brains cells is over that way. That's the land of the LustyIdiots and the IBTurds. They've got guns and unlimited Pabst blue ribbon. I suggest you join them. Goodbye and good riddance.
  • shanm
  • 03-30-2015, 10:12 PM
Careful, assup. You're letting the mask slip.... Originally Posted by lustylad
I just realized how apt of a name SLOBBRIN is for IIFYIdiot. Have you seen his handle?
  • DSK
  • 03-30-2015, 10:13 PM

I am a liberal. Originally Posted by shanm
Me too my brother!!
I B Hankering's Avatar

I am "#Grubered". Originally Posted by shanm
Me "#Grubered" too my brother!! Originally Posted by DSK
No charge for the corrections.
  • shanm
  • 03-30-2015, 10:28 PM
No charge for the corrections. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How will you pay to suck those dicks now?