"arrangement" / sugar daddy web sites

Don Sanchez's Avatar
Hello all -

Have any fellows met ladies through these arrangement web sites?

It seems to me that an arrangement could potentially be a good deal for both parties. The man can get a predictable rate and agreed upon set of services. The woman gets a regular income, doesn't have to hold herself out as a provider, and avoids LE scrutiny.

On the other hand, it is possible that these sites are seeded with interesting but fake profiles. Some women want a steady income but seem unwilling to actually engage in coitus with their benefactor.

Does anyone have any experience with these sites? Is there any customary rate? Generally speaking, are the profiles real, and are the women willing to know their sugar daddies in the biblical sense?

For your reading pleasure: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/29/seeking-arrangement-college-students_n_913373.html .

Please share your thoughts.

There are a few providers on here that started out on WYP site.
I've had a really good experience on it, but mostly misses.