Can't catch a break!!!

Fellas, any of you experiencing this?
I used to have a handful of friends with benefits which seemed to go on forever. Now I can't find one to save my life! I had them ranging from married, divorced, separated, widowed, and single women. It was always mutually agreed that all it was was fun nothing else. Now it seems as everyone wants more, they want relationships, feelings, etc. I can't do that. I can't and won't change my situation at home. I used to have some that had other friends just like I did, or even one that a couple of buddies and I shared, even tag team or hang banned from time to time. What's the deal? I'm all for the hobby but I'm sure we can all agree if we paid for all of our side pussy we would be broke our have blue balls! Sorry fellas, just had to vent!
strongbad's Avatar
Rich, broke with blue balls describes strongbad exactly.
It's 2015 Things Never Stay The Same...
Man I'm now strictly hobby bitches only. Nothing going for me in real life.