How Pissed Should I be?

Hey Eccie Crew-- I was having lunch with a colleague today. From out of the blue I get a text. Which is weird--- I don't text much. I'm more of a phone and email guy. My friends and loved ones all know this.... so texts are surprising.

Guess who?

Provider X-- who I've seen 2 times in the last year and haven't spoken to in nearly 6 months-- is notifying me of her $150 special. It's good only today!

I read it and deleted it immediately. My colleague gave me one of those "what's wrong" looks.... fortunately, he's not married to me and didn't grab my phone before I could delete it.

This provider is well known on these boards. I understand that I assumed some risk when I got in this game. But I'm still pissed.

How pissed should I be? I'm hovering around an 8 out of 10. I don't want to make too big a deal out of "what could have happened" but this didn't need to happen. I wouldn't show up at her door unannounced. This was nearly as out of bounds as that.

I sent her a stern PM and asked her never to do that again.

I can understand your position VV and the best I can tell you is to invest in a hobby phone. With easy and affordable access to a pay per use phone, it just makes sense. You simply turn it off when not in use and store it somewhere inconspicuous.

That does not excuse the unsolicited text message. If anything, she should have emailed that information. I would be pissed to, but there are things you can do to keep it from happening in the future.

Good luck brotha!
good question, since I am single I do not care if they send me a text or call or what ever makes them happy, heck sometimes I like the spur of the moment date.
but I always let my ladies know I a single and ready to mingle when we first meet.

most of yall are married or have SO's..
so a bit more tricky..

in your case I would be a bit upset, just let her know not to do it again,
as you did and I am sure it wont happen again..
Tatonka's Avatar
Get a hobby phone and that will not happen.

If your gonna be pissed at her, be a little pissed at yourself for putting yourself in that position. Using your regular phone is a big mistake.

That being said, a provider should not do that unless they are sure it is safe to do so.

Live and learn and let go of your anger.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar
Wow... blaming him for some girl deciding to text her special to the world. I'd be pissed that a) she still had my number 6 months after I last contacted her, b) she decided to mass text every number she had in her collection out of the blue, and c) she's sending out a message specifying a special. Oh yeah, and d) that people could even possibly assume it was my fault for not using a hobby phone.

I have a hobby phone (hell, I change phones almost every month thanks to the 20 dollar specials at Wal Mart), and I would still be beyond irritated if I got a text like this out of the blue.
I had a similar experience last fall. Gal I had seen at two different locations, started her own gig, and next thing I know I received a text "special" from her. First time I let it go.. week later got another one. Not wanting to piss anyone off, I nicely responded "this was a business phone, please remove me from your list" It worked.. I did let her know I was not happy about receiving messages the next time I saw her. She said they had stopped doing it based on input from several customers
Do like the idea of the throw away phone... need to go to Wal-Mart
Parsifal's Avatar
How about the return phone call at 7:30 PM, when you called to check a providers availability at 2 PM...and left a message NOT to call if they can't get back to you by 5PM?

I've had this happen a couple of times and it scared the hell out of me...I forgot the number when I saw it come across on the caller ID and stupidly front of my SO.

Thank God I am in sales and was able to explain that it was a customer that I could call back in the AM.

Needless to say, unless specifically told otherwise, Providers should assume that you DO NOT want a return phone call in any circumstance unless you ASK for one. Unsolicited calls can only bring trouble...
ANONONE's Avatar
The indiscretion is unfortunate. . .

$150 for an hour is pretty awesome though!
IMHO it is total bullshit! I seem to recall a fellow hobbyist getting bar b qued once upon a time in 2 different cities (that I am aware of) for showing up unannounced at her incall. Both are wrong. You should at least post her name in the locker room so we can all make an informed decision if we ever want this person to have our contact info. MY .02
I would be upset if I was you hun. That shouldnt happen w/o permission and knowing your status!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
How pissed should you be? Because a lady sends you a text message?

Man, you've got 2 B kidding!

Personally, I think you should be flattered, not pissed!

If an innocent thing like that pisses you off then you need to examine your priorities and the length of your fuse!

It's way too short!
sixxbach's Avatar
def should not be text for anything like that. even if u dont have a SO, who knows if a friend of yours gets the message or the like...... it has happened to me, was not happy.... if anything a hello or how you are doing might be okay if u are single........ not some message saying "hey i will suck your cock good for $!"........ i would faint if someone intercepted that SO or not.........
Nibbles_n_Licksx's Avatar
It is called common sense! There are other ways you can push a special there is no need to send a mass txt out to all the clients you have seen.
The provider in question should have known better this is all about discretion and safety of everyone involved !!!
~Kisses Jen
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I would be pissed. Its a good thing your SO (if you have one) didn't have your phone at that moment. You should get a hobby phone. You can't control the actions of others, but you can limit their ability to cause you real problems. For the protection it provides a hobby phone is worth its wight in gold (even at today's prices)

I have heard of providers "cold calling" personally I think it's wrong... you have found us in the past and will find us again... PMs work for advertising specials if you need to go that far...