Cleanupman. Your in box is full.

Champagne Brown's Avatar
So can't reply.

Damn you're so sexy CB. Welcome back.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Thank you wreckshop.
Heyyyyy CB welcome back to the bs girl. Lol
^^^^ what she said lol
citizen44's Avatar
You're Wakeup's special girl or something right?
Time to put on some waders ...
harrypear's Avatar
Wb. Hola if u ever get down to the SE side
Cleanup man needs to clean up his box.
Russ38's Avatar
Cleanup on aisle 6 please....hey, shit happens.....
Cleanup on aisle 6 please....hey, shit happens..... Originally Posted by Russ38
Lol....the magazines are on aisle 6.
Russ38's Avatar
Of course you'd know that.....
dtymh55's Avatar
Cleanupman, needs to clean out his box. Then he might hook up with someone with a hot box.LOL.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're Wakeup's special girl or something right? Originally Posted by citizen44
And this means...what?
And this means...what? Originally Posted by Wakeup
Now this is some funny shit here! LOL! Why don't you fuck with her and see if she'll out you again!

Funniest thing to ever happen on ECCIE! Wakeup gets outed by Champagne Brown!