Sexual Peaks

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Here's a question I've been pondering.

Men have their sexual peak around 18 to 22 years.

However, Women lag behind by a considerable time gap and have their peaks around 32 or so.

Why do you suppose the male and female bodies are designed that way?

From a strictly scientific point of view, it appears to me that making the sexual peaks of both genders the same would have been the most simple and thereby a more effective design of the human body.

However, since there is a built-in lag time of 13 years, I would then presume that such a design was in fact, intentionally built into the systems for a purpose and not a design flaw.

So the question before us, why is there such an age gap in sexual peaks?
Maybe if we all hit our "primes" at the same time, we would screw ourselves to death and that would be (or have been) the end of the human race?

I don't know but it sounds like a theory to me!

Fast Gunn's Avatar
I think you put your finger somewhere close to the answer, vnurse.

First, you design a forceful sexual urge into the human form to populate the species, but then you inject a 13 year time lag between when those urges hit their peak and Woila! You've added a measure to modulate the effects of those forces by a biological time difference.

Anybody else have any theories on the subject?

I mean why slant it that way? Why make the woman peak after the man? Why not the guys peak later?
Males die younger. This could make time of death of a couple happen closer together. Fewer widows and widowers.
hwygnome's Avatar
Women generally live longer.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, granted.

Women live longer than men.

Now the question is are these two issues related?

If they're not, that could be another interesting thread.

If they are, then how?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Men are strongest when they are young. Natural selection and evolution favored stronger, younger men who could protect females and their offspring. Those same processes probably favored women who had some experience in raising children and were, hence, older.
I think it's all a bunch of crap. I've been horney all my life and I am way beyond my 20's. Now that there is Viagra, I am hornier then ever!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Men are strongest when they are young. Natural selection and evolution favored stronger, younger men who could protect females and their offspring. Those same processes probably favored women who had some experience in raising children and were, hence, older. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Thanks, Hog. I think that is the best answer yet to the reason of why there is such a disparity in the sexual peaks of men and women.

One other compelling reason, I think has to do with the fact that women are the ones who have to bear the burden of giving birth to the child.

Maybe I am just saying the same thing, but in a different way, but in order to reward women for enduring the burden of childbirth, their sexual peak is delayed in order to give them time to mature more and have more say-so in the process.

Are there any other ideas floating around out there? I mean, sure men are stronger physically when they're younger, but then aren't they wiser when they're older?

The other point I've wondered about has to do with whether or not this built-in time lag in sexual peaks is the norm in all the species?

Humans have some interesting quirks that differ from other species, which I find fascinating. Human females, for instance, are about the only species where the breasts are always swollen.

It's like they are always flashing their sexuality in men's faces! What is up with that?